Ice cream shop approved
Council approved a land development plan and waivers related to it submitted by Julie and Samantha Hopko, who will open an ice cream shop at 17 N. Poplar St. next year.
A representative for Hopko confirmed for council at the Nov. 16 meeting, the Lehigh Planning Commission had reviewed the plan and recommended conditional approval on council’s part.
The land development plan will convert a residential unit into a first floor shop serving – as distinct from manufacturing – ice cream, and a second floor rental unit.
Julie Hopko said she is hopeful the shop will open for business in early spring. The next step is construction and renovation inside the building.
In other meeting business, council accepted with regret the resignation of Richton Penn from the Macungie Police Department, due to Penn entering employment as an officer elsewhere, according to the borough manager. There was no confirmation of who would be filling Penn’s hours or whether another part-time officer in the borough would be moving into the vacant position.
The borough will order 35- and 65-gallon recycling “toters” for anyone interested in purchasing one for as little as $5 or even less.
Council approved Resolution 2015-10, partnering with Lower Macungie Township to purchase recycling bins on wheels as part of a recycling grant. There has been discussion about whether an intergovernmental agreement is necessary but Lower Macungie Township has agreed to foot the legal fees.
All Macungie Borough has to do is chip in for however many toters are wanted. Purchase of the toters is not required but meant to encourage recycling across the borough on a more involved scale. The borough will place an order for anyone who wants one.
Council also moved in favor of removing a street tree at 624 E. Main St. provided a letter of intent is drafted to the property owner making it clear that based on current conditions of the sidewalk, the borough will not be responsible for damage incurred outside a provided 5-foot square section surrounding the tree.
Borough Manager Chris Boehm informed council the EPA has granted an extension on the borough’s deadline to make improvements in the sewer management system, as part of the larger community Sewer Capacity Assurance and Rehabilitation Program covering Upper and Lower Macungie, the borough, Alburtis and the Lehigh County Authority.
EPA requires the participating municipalities to improve sewer management in a variety of ways – in Macungie’s case, putting in a plan to remove inflow/infiltration to LCA. The borough has received an extension for developing this plan until December 2017.
Boehm said the municipalities are being hit hard because of EPA’s demands, which include expensive projects like expanding sewer pipes. Macungie’s involvement in the larger project alone is over $10 million, a figure which will have to be budgeted for as any other is. The amount is triple the borough’s annual budget.
Nothing is happening in the near future, but one way of raising funds is to increase the sewer rate charged to households. The current rate is based on water usage on top of a $43.56 yearly flat rate, but it could increase to as much as 2 percent of household income.
Mayor Gary Cordner announced the borough’s holiday tree lighting will take place 6:30 p.m. Dec. 1. The rain date is 6:30 p.m. Dec. 2.
Macungie Holiday will be held Dec. 12.