Hillcrest Drive fire review presented
Council President Chris Becker took some time at the opening of council’s meeting Nov. 2 to discuss details of the fire on Hillcrest Drive last month and to address statements made by the public on that matter during council’s last meeting.
Becker met with the fire chief and Chris Edwards and received a detailed report of the timing of the incident, which is also available to the public through the county office. Becker relayed from this record at 5:14 p.m. that day, the call center received word from the house owner of the fire. At 5:15 p.m. a response to county was put out and at 5:17 p.m. a second alarm was raised. At 5:19 p.m. the fire captain was in the attack truck. By 5:21 p.m., Becker reported, no fewer than eight fire companies including Macungie had responded to the call.
Becker acknowledged there were some congestion issues at the site involving police vehicles but firefighters were already in the building when police arrived.
During council’s last meeting, Pat Stasko had made some complaints about the borough fire company’s reaction to and handling of the fire, but Macungie Fire Chief Mike Natysyn stated to council Nov. 2 he met with Stasko last weekend and explained the fire department’s response and procedures to her. Natysyn said Stasko was planning to appear before council and rescind her complaints.
Becker said he could not see how the fire company’s response times could have been improved.
Borough Manager Chris L. Boehm apprised council of a Transportation Access Program grant to fund three medians for Main Street, part of the Main Street Streetscape Plan. The cost of three medians is $168,699, Boehm reported, but the grant covers 100 percent of construction. The borough has to field the cost of the design budget, which the borough engineer quoted at between $30,000 and $50,000.
Council members demurred, saying the borough was only going to install one median, outside Grace Lutheran on Main Street. This grant would raise the possibility of installing two more.
The borough manager also informed council of an invitation from Lower Macungie to participate in a recycling grant with the township and Alburtis. The grant allows for the purchase of 35-gallon recycling totes, which, according to Boehm, are supposed to increase recycling rates in municipalities. It was confirmed the borough’s current contracted waste disposal authority, Waste Management, can operate with the larger totes and some businesses and homes in the borough already use them.
The grant requires a 10 percent match from the borough. The totes are $40 plus $5 for assembly and delivery. John Yerman expressed an interest in having one of the totes and council agreed to authorize borough participation. Boehm said they can buy as many or as few of the totes as they like.
Boehm also reminded council the five-year Borough Authority seat held by Tom Kociuba is expiring this year, along with a seat on the Vacancy Board. Civil Service Commission is also in search of one alternate to fill an empty position.
A request from the property owner of 624 E. Main St. for a tree removal met with conditional approval from council, after a discussion of who would be responsible for sidewalk repair on the site. Boehm said council would have to set parameters so the property owner does not expect the borough to do more than is planned. The borough solicitor suggested having the borough zoning enforcement office look at the site, as well as the public works manager and then outline the work to be done in a letter to the resident.
Becker noted so far council has agreed to address sidewalk issues caused by the shade trees on all appeals brought to council. It was noted the shade tree commission is no longer a sitting committee.
In her update on the Southwestern Lehigh Comprehensive Plan committee, Roseann Schleicher reminded council of the advertised public meeting scheduled Jan. 14, 2016 and confirmed she and Boehm attended at the committee’s meeting Oct. 27.
This last meeting discussed high-traffic corridors in the region, namely Cedar Crest Boulevard leading up to Chestnut Street in Emmaus and Route 100 from Hamilton Boulevard to Interstate 78. Schleicher noted some of the data on these sites was outdated– as much as 10 years old– but reported interest is being cultivated now in creating an online platform of maps using ArcGIS Online and available via the Southwestern Lehigh Comprehensive Plan website.
Reminders for the upcoming holiday season in the borough: the tree lighting ceremony is scheduled 6:30 p.m. Dec. 1 and Macungie Holiday is scheduled Dec. 12.