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Albany Twp Historical Society burns mortgage with pizzazz

Paying off one’s mortgage is a time of celebration and relief.

For members of the Albany Township Historical Society, their mortgage burning ceremony would have made inventor Rube Goldberg green with envy.

The historical society’s headquarters at the 1917 Trexler Grain Mill, 404 Old Philly Pike, Kempton, was purchased in summer 2001 and they were able to pay of the loan from New Tripoli Bank some two to three years early.

At the event there was hoe downing, provided by Keith Brintzenhoff and the Toad Creek Ramblers, with Lester Miller as guest caller.

Following a potluck supper, historical society volunteers lighted a ceremonial bonfire.

However, the “paper” did not burn in that fire.

Historical society founder and artist Jon Bond used his inherent creativity to craft a larger-than-life contraption involving a burning ball and rain gutters to destroy the “loan document.”

New Tripoli Bank President and CEO David Hunsicker, Bond and Muth joked a bit before historical society members and friends in anticipation of the big event.

“We have accomplished a lot over the last 17 years,” Muth said. “New Tripoli Bank loaned the money to us on good faith.”

“It wasn’t quite that easy,” Hunsicker corrected.

“I never told Kelly [his wife] about the second mortgage on our house,” Bond teased, adding. “New Tripoli Bank is a good partner, a community bank.”

Hunsicker then concluded the banter.

“I have been with the bank 44 years, so I know a lot about Albany Township,” Hunsicker said. “Before it rains, let’s burn it.”

Albany Township Historical Society President Lucy Muth shares a moment with granddaughter Olivia Peters.PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBRA PAlmieri