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Eckhart challenged by Slonaker for controller position

Two candidates are on the ballot for the position of Lehigh County controller.

Thomas Slonaker, a Democrat, is challenging incumbent Glenn Eckhart, a Republican, in the Nov. 3 municipal election.

The Press asked each of the candidates the following question: What will be your first order of business if elected to office?

Thomas Slonaker

(My first order of business will be) improving the necessary professionalism on a daily basis that requires the appropriate education and experience to effectively provide oversight of over $400 million of our tax dollars.

I have advanced degrees in economics and finance. Further, I previously served as the Lehigh County controller, Whitehall Township treasurer, bank auditor and registered financial representative and I am an enrolled agent licensed to practice before the IRS.

This required professionalism, experience and education is currently lacking in the controller’s office and needs to be corrected.

Compare my accomplishments to my opponent, and decide where your money is best protected.

Glenn Eckhart

I will continue to make a difference as the Lehigh County controller. I will continue to monitor the county expenses looking for waste, fraud and abuse.

I will continue to oversee the restructuring of the controller’s office and will modernize processes and improve inefficiencies that will not only continue to save money, but also provide better services.

I will continue to be the watchdog for the county pension system and make it more open and transparent.