Construction to begin at Spring Creek Properties
At the Oct. 15 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, a resolution land development and subdivision was approved for Spring Creek Properties by the board. Construction will take place on lots seven and eight. The building will be a one million square foot warehouse. The facility construction will include a public trail. There will also be a locked emergency gate. The applicant will be responsible for a roadway to access the state road.
The facility will have lounges available for truckers with vending machines and restrooms. There will be adequate parking for employees, visitors and trucks. Trees will be used for landscaping. Lighting will be made available for the area but not to add to lighting pollution. An area for ice and snow cleanup with necessary equipment is also included. Signage will also be included to ensure trucks make a right turn to get to the facility.
Mack Trucks is seeking support from the township for their business growth. In resolution form, this is to promote a good relationship between the township and Mack Trucks.
Troop 131 made its annual request for use of the township center parking lot for the annual Scouting for Food event scheduled Nov. 4. The request was approved.
David Jaindl expressed his interest in the roundabout on Hamilton Boulevard near Texas Roadhouse. The township is also interested but the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is not supporting this project due to location and limited space. Therefore, Jaindl said he will alter his plans in this area and plan his development without the roundabout.
Lower Macungie Township Manager Bruce Fosselman announced the replacement for Ben Galiardo for code enforcement officer. The new code enforcement officer is Vince Tranguch.
There will be a study of Route 100 conducted by Keystone Engineering. This study is not to exceed $30,000. The area under study is between Weilers Road and Schaefer Run Road and West End Trail.
Brake retarders will become prohibited along sections of Route 100. The prohibited areas are to be determined along with penalties.
Brake retarders cause noise nuisance and can be disturbing in residential areas.