Volunteers take fire prevention message to students
The importance of having a smoke alarm in every room of a home was among the messages taken to school students at the four elementary schools located in the Western Salisbury Fire Department’s fire district during annual fire prevention activities held in township schools. The events are held during Fire Prevention Week to mark the anniversary of the great Chicago Fire in October 1871.
“I want you all to go home tonight,”’ Fire Chief Joshua Wells told the students, “and check to see if there is a smoke detector in your bedroom. If you don’t have one, come back to school tomorrow and tell your teacher and our fire department will give you one.”
Emphasizing his point, Wells used a smoke detector’s distinctive three “beep, beep, beep” tones signaling a family to evacuate their home.
“When you get out of a home filled with smoke, you should stay out, don’t try to go back in. If there is a pet or something else important still inside, tell a firemen when we arrive and we will try to get it for you if we can.” Wells said.
He told the school’s students lighters and matches should only be handled by adults and it is “all right to ‘tell’ if a younger brother or sister is playing with them.”
The importance of knowing how to dial “911” only for help was also part of the message and knowing to “stop, drop and roll” was important if someone’s clothes should catch fire.
The messages the volunteer firefighters take to Salisbury schools has not changed much in the 50 years school programs have been in place for elementary school students in the district. Wells said he believes the programs have helped embed the fire prevention message in township homes and have helped contribute to the relatively low number of residential fires suffered by area residents.
“As firefighters, we look forward every year to being able to interact with our district’s young people. Lessons taught in students’ formative years seem to really have a positive effect on efforts to be fire safe,” Wells said.
Weather-permitting, a portion of the program is held outside each year so students at Lehigh Christian Academy, St. Thomas More School, The Swain School and Western Salisbury Elementary School can see firemen demonstrate the use of their equipment.
Always a student-favorite part of the program is Wells’ demonstration of rope–rappelling skills as he descends, upside-down, from the department’s extended aerial ladder.