Published October 08. 2015 12:00AM
The Press will once again be a collection site for donations to Stockings for Soldiers.
Members of the armed forces who will be serving away from home would love to receive stockings for the holidays. Last year, over 12,000 stockings were sent to Troops.
The following items are being collected to personalize each stocking: small candy, granola, fruit and breakfast bars, cookies, nuts, pretzels, trail mix, flavored drink mixes, chewing gum, fruit roll-ups, gushers, Cracker Jacks, Slim Jims, beef jerky, Ramen noodle soup, DVD movies, music CDs, hand/foot warmers, fly swatters, small individually packaged meals such as tuna, lasagna, Beefaroni, fruit, toothbrushes, small toothpaste, any color crew socks, ChapStick, lip balm, razors, toiletries and lotions, baby wipes, foot powder, sun block, paperback books (no romance novels), pocket games and puzzles, Beanie Babies, AT&T phone cards and dog/canine items for K-9 heroes.
All items can be delivered to the Parkland office, 1633 N. 26th St., Allentown. For questions, call Debbie at 610-740-0944, ext. 3705 or email