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The Salisbury Township Board of School Directors met Sept. 16 and welcomed two new student representatives, juniors Agostino D’Ancona and Rania Nimeh. The students join seniors Olivia King and Matthew Fainor who report each month on student activities at the schools.

At the elementary schools, PACK week will be held Sept. 21 through 25. Students are encouraged to wear and/or pack a snack matching the color of the day. The idea is to encourage students to enjoy healthy snacks. Picture day is scheduled Sept. 28 at Harry S Truman Elementary School.

At Salisbury Middle School, March 23, 2016 has been chosen as Phantoms Night where the band and chorus will perform. The first school dance will be held Sept. 25.

At Salisbury High School, parents are invited to the open house Sept. 24. Members of Key Club volunteered at the Via marathon Sept. 13 and 32 students have signed up for the Best Buddies program at the school.

The class of 2015 gifted a clock outside of the stadium; everyone was encouraged to take a look at it.

On Oct. 7, 45 students in 10th grade will take part in an international assessment test. The district was asked to participate by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The students were randomly selected and parents had the opportunity to have their student opt out of the testing. The students will be paid an honorarium for their participation. The morning session will include critical thinking on multiple subjects with a focus on math and science and the afternoon session for one-half of the selected students will include financial literacy.

An Apple site visit is scheduled Oct. 21 at SHS.

Student government at SHS is planning a pre-game Homecoming parade.

Secretary of the Board Robert Bruchak reported on tax collections–– $18.6 million has been received; $3.8 million is outstanding.

Three upcoming events were approved at the meeting: Salisbury Youth Association will hold a cheering bingo 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 4 at SMS, SYA will hold a football car show 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 10 at SMS and Salisbury Twirlers will use SHS 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Jan. 30, 2016 and April 16, 2016 for indoor twirling shows.

In personnel news, the board accepted the resignation of Adam Legath as a part-time health and physical education teacher at SHS effective Sept. 18. Barbara Emick resigned, due to retirement, as a part-time nurse assistant at SHS effective Sept. 18. Todd Mika resigned as a junior varsity football coach effective Aug. 9 and Christine Hersh resigned as a part-time instructional assistant at Western Sailsbury Elementary School effective Sept. 18.

SMS teacher Beth Prokesch was approved for a FMLA leave effective Aug. 25 through Sept. 25. Elyse Veil, instructional assistant at SMS and chorus adviser at HST and WSE was approved for a general leave of absence effective tentatively Oct. 23 through Feb. 1, 2016.

The district contracted with Morag Christie-Churm, pending completion of requirements, for special educational services twice a week effective Sept. 14 with an ending date to be determined.

Kyle Grim was approved, pending completion of requirements, as a part-time health and physical education teacher at SHS.

Krista DeStito’s hours were increased as a cafeteria helper at SHS. Kathleen Ascani’s hours were increased as a cafeteria helper at SHS. Reem Bitar’s hours were increased as a cafeteria helper at SMS. Andrienne Lobo’s hours were increased as a cafeteria helper at SMS. Mary Dolan’s hours were increased as a cafeteria helper at SMS. Anita Gopen’s hours were increased as a part-time instructional assistant at WSE.

The board approved the transfer of Mary Pope as a part-time one-to-one instructional assistant at SMS to SHS.

The following were approved, pending completion of requirements, as part-time one-to-one instructional assistants: Melissa Kristie at SMS, Kailey DeOliveira at HST, Wendy St. John at SHS, Emily DeOliveira at SHS, Linda Gardus at SMS, MaryKathryn Post at SHS, Oksana Hunter at SMS and Brenda Kahn at HST. Approved as a part-time instructional assistant at WSE was Kelly Powers,

Virginia Gugliemini was approved as a part-time instructional assistant at HST pending completion of requirements.

The board approved John Wagner as the middle school girls basketball coach for the 2015-2016 school year and Margaret Scholl as the middle school girls assistant basketball coach for the 2015-2016 school year.

The board also authorized letters to be sent to employees Monica Deeb, Nora Perron-Jones and Denise Steiger detailing payments to be made in lieu of and supplanting any claim they may have under any prior Act 93 agreement after certain conditions are met.

The board approved Policy 137 on home schooling and Policy 819 on suicide awareness, prevention and response.

Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss reported district enrollment is 1,606 students- up 23 students from last year.

A Twitter 101 session will be offered to parents in the district Oct. 19.

The curriculum for advanced computer skills, ancient and classical empires, creative writing, mythology and rebels, robbers and rogues at SHS was approved.

The next curriculum and technology meeting will be held 7 p.m. Sept. 28 at the administrative building.

The next operations committee meeting will be held 7 p.m. Oct. 5 at HST.

The next regular board meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHSchool board representatives senior Matthew Fainor, senior Olivia King, junior Agostino D'Ancona and junior Rania Nimeh present school happenings to the board Sept. 16.