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A dual Eagle Court honors Scouts in Troop 5

On the afternoon of Aug. 15, a special event was held at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, 140 S. Ott St.

A dual Eagle Court of Honor was conducted for Ryan Kennington and Bradley Sartorius.

Proud family, troop members and friends gathered at the church for the presentation of the award to the two young men from Troop 5. Scoutmasters and leaders praised the new Eagle scouts.

“It was really a huge accomplishment for me, I’ve worked very hard for this day” Sartorius said.

He and Kennington have been close friends since joining Cub Scouts together. During their remarks, they recalled fond memories of camping and other Scout events. Their favorite merit badges include sports, camping and cooking.

For his Eagle project Sartorius built an emergency shelter for hikers, which took around 300 man-hours to complete.

Kennington collected soccer equipment from his community to donate to kids lacking equipment.

Both spoke of their plans to remain active in their Troop.

“Scouting is an undervalued organization” Kennington explained. “It teaches essentials that make a boy into a man.”

After the ceremony, refreshments were served while a slideshow displayed pictures from the Scouts’ adventures.

These memories showed how both friends have come a long way in their Scouting careers.

Many leaders and family from Troop 5 who are active in the program were in attendance and showed support.

Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Scouting, and takes time, commitment and a passion for Scouting.

During the ceremony Sartorius and Kennington took the Eagle Scout Promise, where they pledged their sacred honor to do their best to make their training an example and to use their knowledge to better their community.

PRESS PHOTO BY ERIC DYERyan Kennington and Bradley Sartorius are awarded Eagle rank in a recent ceremony at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church.