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Proposed Verizon cell tower on Kratzer Farm met with opposition

The 2014 audit of the township was presented at the Sept. 3 board of commissioners meeting.

Auditors with Kirk Summa and Company said the audit went well and they are pleased with the results. The auditors said they spent a lot of time on the audit and have procedures in place for next year.

Former Commissioner Joe Pugliese asked the auditors to explain their methods during the audit, in particular, how do the auditors know fraud is not being committed. The auditors explained their procedures and assured the commissioners everything was fine.

Pugliese explained fraud was committed in the township several years ago. He also said the first auditors chosen for this audit before this firm were questionable.

In other business, there was a proposal for a cell tower to be constructed on Kratzer Farm and residents made their objections known.

From land values going down, to health effects, to harming animal habitats and hearing from Verizon customers saying their reception was fine, a large number of residents expressed their desire not to have this tower near the Rolling Meadows development.

There was a proposal by the board but no motion was presented so approval for the cell tower was not made. There was applause from the audience.

Township Engineer Alan Fornwalt talked about the intersections of Schoeneck and Quarry roads on Route 100. He clarified a statement from the last meeting about Pennsylvania Department of Transportation approval on road improvements. PennDOT approval is not necessary for township traffic concerns.

Fornwalt has completed a study of the area. He said going south on Route 100 and making a right turn onto either road, a truck needs two lanes to do so. Making a left turn onto Route 100 is also difficult due to traffic in these areas. There have been eight accidents at the Schoeneck Road intersection and 11 accidents at the Quarry Road intersection. These numbers at both intersections included two truck accidents. It is difficult with this information to limit turns by trucks.

Fornwalt recommended area businesses around these two intersections be consulted. It is not just about the warehouses on these roads. Mack Trucks is in the area also as well as numerous other trucks from other areas.

Suggested temporary solutions include restricting the truck turns and redirecting them to Alburtis Road, working with state police, adding signage to advise motorists of the dangers of the intersections, engaging area business owners and continuing studying of the area.

Macungie Borough and the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission made comments about the proposed zoning for the Double D property. Both suggested waiting until the comprehensive plan is completed.

Macungie Ambulance Corps. requested the use of Quarry Road for a mass casualty drill April 30, 2016. This request was approved.

A reminder was made regarding the Spring Creek Road closure September to November.