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Lehigh County Board of Commissioners Michael Schware and Vic Mazziotti have proposed two campaign reform proposals.

At the Aug. 12 board of commissioners meeting, Schware introduced “resign to run” legislation and Mazziotti introduced an “anti-pay-to-play” ordinance. Both measures come in response to the federal investigation of Allentown City officials, principally Mayor Ed Pawlowski.

The proposals would apply solely to county elected officials.

Specifically, Schware’s proposal looks to require elected county officials to resign their positions when they announce they are running for non-county office.

Mazziotti’s proposal aims to prohibit individuals or businesses that give more than $250 to a candidate running for county office from applying for or receiving non-competitive bid contracts in excess of $2,500 from Lehigh County.

In terms of Schware’s proposal, it would require altering the county’s charter, meaning voters in the county would have to approve the measure in a referendum vote.

According to Schware, allowing elected county officials to run for non-county official opens up a Pandora’s box.

“At worst it would allow for potential abuses,” he said.

Schware said he plans to formally introduce the proposal in the future so the county can present the measure to the voters.

Commissioner Geoff Brace expressed support for Schware’s proposal.

“You’re [county elected official] duty bound to resign if you’re going to run,” he said.

Mazziotti said his proposal’s primary goal is to confront the questionable nature of government agencies and combat abuses.

“We have an obligation to say to the public that we hear you and we are going to take action, at least in the county, to guard against these potential problems,” Mazziotti said.

Commissioner Dr. Percy Dougherty said he fully supports Mazziotti’s proposal.

“It’s time we stop the philosophy that people can buy an election,” he said.

Board Chairman Brad Osborne also expressed support for Mazziotti’s proposed legislation.

“It will help put an end to corrupt pay-to-play politics,” he said.

Commissioner David Jones Sr. recommended the board proceed with caution in regard to Mazziotti’s proposal.

According to Jones, unlike Allentown, the county has power over contracts in excess of $10,000. Additionally, the commissioners have granted themselves more oversight and termination powers in terms of contracts.