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Article By: sharon schrantzSpecial to the Press

The Aug. 20, Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting was attended by a large group of residents opposed to the proposed cell tower on Bogie Avenue and Creekwood Drive in Rolling Meadows.

The residents submitted a petition with 180 signatures opposing the Verizon cell tower saying the tower would be an eyesore to people entering the Rolling Meadows neighborhood and would decrease property values.

Residents are also upset over the lack of notification.

According to the solicitor, the tower is permitted on municipal property with no notification necessary.

Commissioner Ron Beitler spoke about the proposed cell tower saying there is a possibility it can be built on private property. In that case, the township has no control and there is a revenue loss. Beitler assured the residents this decision is not about money.

Andy Hines of Lutron made a donation to Lower Macungie Township emergency service.

Susan Souder was approved to be a member of the library board.

A presentation of the Hamilton Boulevard Corridor Study was given. The study features an enhanced streetscape, consistent speed throughout the corridor, adds missing links in sidewalk construction, includes transit stops and proper lighting along with other enhancements. Eight round-abouts are also proposed. The commissioners approved the consideration for future development of the area.

The Schoeneck Road and Route 100 intersection was a topic for discussion as a meeting with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation was held. The cost to request a traffic study would be between $10,000 and $15,000. Encouraging trucks to go to Quarry and Alburtis roads, due to no turns at Quarry and Schoeneck roads, is difficult as there is a sight problem at Quarry and Alburtis roads.

This problem involves more than just PennDOT; it also involves the East Penn School District and David Jaindl. There is a right-of-way issue and PennDOT will not issue a permit until this is resolved.

It was suggested a letter be written to Jaindl for a detailed schedule.

Temporary traffic signals were also suggested. Commissioners said this will not be considered as it will cause other problems which could result in rear-end collisions.

Vice President Brian Higgins said Lower Macungie Township let this problem happen and it would not be fair to ask the school district to help fix it.

Questions arose as to why warehouses were constructed without adequate road improvements.

Higgins suggested getting assistance from State Rep. Ryan MacKenzie, R-134th.