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Younger generation carries on tradition of farming Lynn Township property

The younger generation from two families are working to carry on the farming traditions of their parents and grandparents.

Shante, Nathan, and Bethany Weaver along with Jessica, Adam, Joshua, Fay and Steve Dietrich and Amanda Witt, Adam's girlfriend and Mikey Majereak, Amanda's brother are working together to farm the old Willard and Myrl Hamm property in Lynn Township.

Larry Bachman, the Hamms son-in-law, said his father-in-law originally owned the 225-acre property off Schochary Ridge.

"My father-in-law sold 95 acres of the land to my wife, Renee and I, and kept the other 130 acres until he passed away five years ago," Bachman said.

The house, outbuildings and 130 acres were sold at an auction to Elton and Seleda Weaver.

Bachman, who was involved with agricultural for more than 40-plus years, rents his 95 acres to the Dietrich family to farm.

The Dietrichs farm soybeans, alfalfa, corn, barley and soghum on the property, Bachman said.

Brian Dietrich said in addition to farming Bachman's 95 acres his family raises 420 registered Holstein cattle on their farm, Lynnacres, purchased in 1925 by his grandfather William Dietrich.

"In 1980, my father, Russell, and brother, Bill, formed Lynnacres," Dietrich said. "In 1987, I brought my way in with 20 head of cattle.

"It is hard for young farmers to get started in farming without the previous generation's help."

Elton Weaver also commented on getting started in farming and the old Hamm property.

"I grew up on a family farm and always thought the farm is a beautiful place to raise a family, but never thought it was durable because of the cost of land," Elton Weaver said.

Weaver said in 2010 he was able to purchase the old Hamm property.

He grows and harvests wheat on the land with the help of his three children.

"I sell the wheat to Albright's Mill in Kempton and the straw to the Dietrich family," Weaver said.

"This farm has been a blessing to our family," Weaver said. "We feel blessed from God and accountable to him as stewards for his blessings."

PRESS PHOTO BY SUSAN BRYANT Bill Dietrich from Lynnacres Farm driving a farm tractor and baler bundles straw into bales on the Weaver farm, formerly the Willard and Myrl Hamm property in Lynn Township.