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Lifeguards join game of dodgeball

Week eight at Camp Whitehall started off with a rainy day on Monday. This allowed for Camp Jefferson to have a dodgeball day inside the building.

Since the pools were closed, the lifeguards from Jefferson Pool came over to the building and joined in the fun. The lifeguards and camp counselors teamed up to play dodgeball against all the Jefferson campers. The kids loved getting their own counselors out, as well as the lifeguards. It was an afternoon full of multiple games of competitive dodgeball.

Since it was still raining, the campers made an indoor game of Four Square and Duck-Duck-Goose and spent time coloring to finish out a gross Monday at camp.

Tuesday was the field trip day. We went to the Roxy Theater in Northampton, which was the perfect field trip since it was another rainy day outside. At the Roxy, the campers enjoyed seeing the new Pixar movie, "Inside Out." After the movie, we headed back to Jefferson to play some games. Again we were indoors for the afternoon, and the campers played Pillow Polo, Jump the River and Silent Ball and again had free time.

Finally, a beautiful day arrived on Wednesday and allowed us to play games outside. Campers played Capture the Flag in the park, Elbow Tag and Manhunt until lunch and then headed to the pool.

Thursday led to playing more games like Night at the Museum, Sleeping Lions and handball. After lunch, we spent the afternoon again at Jefferson pool.

Friday was the last day of Camp Whitehall for summer 2015, and Camp Cementon joined Camp Jefferson for an end-of-the-year picnic at Jefferson Park. The day was filled with food, fun and laughter for the last day. Campers enjoyed a picnic lunch and freeze pops before heading to the pool one last time in the afternoon.

The Campers of the Week for Jefferson were Mahalia and Cayden. Our Campers of the Summer were Connor P. and Riley.

We can't wait until next summer!

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Campers from Camp Jefferson enjoy their last day of the eight-week program Friday.