Published August 19. 2015 12:00AM
The state Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved two bills to help crime victims collect court-ordered restitution.
The sponsor of the bills, Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-18th, said only 12 percent of the restitution owed was received by victims, according to a February 2014 task force report of the State Office of the Victim Advocate.
The bills, which now go to the full Senate for consideration, would authorize court-ordered restitution be satisfied from payments to those who win Pennsylvania Lottery prizes of $2,500 or more (Senate Bill 126). Boscola said a victim's restitution should be satisfied before offenders can collect big lottery prizes.
The bills also require court-ordered restitution be taken from an offender's state income tax refunds (Senate Bill 127). The state has the technological capability to cross check those who are due tax refunds with those who owe restitution.