Amy Huber spoke before the Emmaus Borough Council regarding speed limits and child safety on Chestnut Street during the council meeting Aug. 17.
"I would like to bring to your attention the three demands your community wants to happen to keep our town of Emmaus as one of the best places to live in the Lehigh Valley," Huber said.
Huber, who raised over 430 signatures to back her letter, told council the first two demands were to have crosswalk signals put in at all intersections on Chestnut Street, as well as have "watch children" signs put up along Chestnut Street. Huber raised over $800 to donate to council to help fund these signs.
The final demand was to lower the speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph. Huber has lived on Chestnut Street for eight years and claims there have been six cars hit and two cars totaled on Chestnut Street. One car lost control and came up through her front porch and knocked over her brick wall.
Huber said the most recent accident occurred when a man "flew" by a turning car and hit the back end of the truck parked outside her house. "He took out the whole under carriage of the truck and flipped his car upside down in the intersection," Huber said. "If the truck would have went up on the curb, it would have landed on my son who was next to it on his scooter at the time of the accident."
She said the police need to strictly enforce the new speed limit.
"The only time you see police is if something happens or they are turning on Sixth Street to go back to the station."
Huber also mentioned Turkey Hill has a no left hand turn sign no one obeys.
Council President Lee-Ann Gilbert said council has been discussing these issues at the public safety meetings. They have contacted PennDOT to see what can be done at this point.
Borough Manager Shane Pepe received an estimate on crosswalk signs, which would be $7,300 per corner, and over $29,000 just to cover an intersection. Pepe said they are looking for grants to help cover some of the costs.
In regard to Huber's petition, Pepe said the more tools they can use in the effort the better. He mentioned Huber has written to the state and gotten the state representative involved.
"In an effort like this, as many people at higher levels that we can get, the better effort for us to get this done," Pepe said.
"It may seem like nothing is happening, but it is just a genuinely slow process, partially because there is a financial impact, but more importantly there are a lot of rules and regulations that have to go into place," Councilman Wesley Barrett said.
Councilman Brent Labenberg noted because Chestnut Street is a state road, council has to go through the process to change the speed limit through the state and it isn't something the borough can just decide to do.
In other business, council approved the Emmaus wrestling team to have a fire truck pull Oct. 3, in which the team will attempt to pull a fire truck. Pepe said he was surprised when the insurance company had no issues with it. "You're not allowed to ride in the back of a fire truck, but you can pull one." Proceeds from this event will benefit muscular dystrophy.
Council approved to hire Adam Polster to fill the vacant spot in the police department. He will be hired contingent upon successfully passing a physical examination, psychological examination, completion of all requirements of PA Act 120 certification and completion of a one year term of probation with the Emmaus Police Department at the conclusion of academy training. Polster is a graduate of Emmaus High School with an honorable discharge from the military. He is also a recipient of the Purple Heart and turned down a second one.
Council voted 6-0 to allow a negotiation regarding the property next to the Rodale building to start between them and the East Penn Neighbors Helping. This group helps families of the East Penn School District who are currently homeless find shelter. The group felt it would be a great fit to put families into the building next to Rodale. The negotiation of a lease will start after the closing of the Rodale property.
It was voted that Mayor Winfield Iobst will be the one to determine the dates for the Emmaus Halloween Parade and Trick-or-Treating. Trick-or-Treating will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 29.