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South Whitehall picks new auditor

Herbein and Co. Inc., 2763 Century Boulevard, Reading, has been appointed South Whitehall auditor for the years ending Dec. 31, 2014, and 2015.

The previous auditor was the firm of Buckno, Lisicky.

Human Resources Manager Renee Bickel explained the reason for the change.

"We made a conscious decision to transfer auditors to a different firm," Bickel said. "It is a timing issue. They had other commitments with their client loads.

"Buckno Lisicky have 2011 and 2012 right now and will finish those. We wanted some more current years done by the end of December and they had more on their plates. We want to move along quickly."

Commissioners granted approval to Herbein and Co. at the July 15 meeting.

In other matters, Township Manager Howard Kutzler received permission to proceed with purchase of three items needing replacement unexpectedly.

These include the 27-year-old heat pump in the conference room at a cost of $6,500; the 23-year-old archive storage heat pump at $5,750; and the 26-year-old air compressor in the public works garage at a cost of $9,000.

Commissioners looked at a plan from Nestle Purina Petcare Inc., 2050 Pope Road, for an upgrade to its wastewater treatment plant.

The proposal includes construction of an addition to the existing utility building and rerouting utility lines at the site.

Commissioners granted Nestle' a waiver of the land development review process as the project will not increase impervious coverage or impact stormwater runoff rates.

Curt Friebolin, 1231 N. 22nd St., asked commissioners to do something about a blighted property, reportedly owned by a bank, in his neighborhood.

After seeing photos of the place, Kutzler explained there is not much a municipality can do in such a situation.

"This isn't easy," he said. "It's a problem all over the country. At least we can send in public works to cut the grass to our 12-inch required level."

Recreation Director Randy Cope reported a 17.6-percent increase in the summer playground program this year with a total of 381 young people registered.

He said the concerts and outdoor movies in the parks have been well-attended.

Commissioner Glenn Block applauded Cope's leadership.

"Keep up the good work," Block said. "I've heard only positive comments about these programs.

"Taxpayers can see some return on their money."