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Kids, families and the community picnic at Lighthouse Baptist

Phyllis Albright was signing kids for a trip to Camp Kilimanjaro, this year's Vacation Bible School at Lighthouse Baptist Church, Weisenberg Township, during the church's recent community picnic.

Albright said the picnic is expanding by inviting more organizations to participate.

Mission Leader Bob Walker, a member of the picnic committee, said with more organizations, the picnic becomes more community oriented.

All picnic costs, including food, are borne by the church.

Brian McGuiness is the lead guitar player with Heaven's Thunder, from Douglasville.

He said the band plays Christian rock music.

The Penn State Extension was represented by Denise Continenza.

She said her job was to bring research-based education to the people, including information about 4-H.

Her job as an educator is to help build family strength. She works with 10- to 14-year-olds.

Children attending the picnic were instructed on how to build a shield showing the values that make a strong family.

The Cancer Support Group offers support for any of the different types of cancer.

Support group representatives offered paper butterflies for the children to color.

Church member Brenda Rothrock said some of the people who come to the community picnic later join the church.

Members of one family who came for a picnic have been members for six years.

Plastic boats sailing in a child's swimming pool were donated to the church. One child saw the water and preferred to splash in it.

Isaiah Johnson, Cameron Williams and Michael Cone participate in a Christian Sport Ministry, Push the Rock, in Allentown. They try to relate sports to Jesus. A game of football tossing was to attract younger children.

Some people were wearing Superfund 2015 shirts.

When The Press asked what it was for, one wearer explained it was only a joke referring to a bowling fundraiser.

Cetronia Ambulance Corps was on hand and people showed interest in the various pieces of equipment.

Once again, the robot ambulance, Andy the Ambulance, was unable to attend the picnic as he was in the ambulance hospital.

Giovanni Brown colors a butterfly at the Cancer Support table.