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County board makes appointments

Lehigh County commissioners unanimously appointed Sarah Andrew, Roger Knisley and Mary Ann Villanti to the county's Aging and Adult Services Advisory Council.

They also reappointed Patricia Well-Fellman to the Lehigh County Children and Youth Services Advisory Board and Ron Beitler was appointed to the Sterling Raber Agricultural Land Preservation Board by unanimous vote.

A bill was introduced to approve the lease agreement with Northeast Revenue Service LLC.

Commissioner Michael Schware questioned the rent as Northeast Revenue Service LLC moved into the building in February under an earlier arrangement.

Northeast Revenue Service LLC will pay the higher lease, the bill would be passed and amended later.

All board members except Schware voted in favor of the bill.

Commissioners also approved the donation of a 2005 Chevy pickup to the Seed Farm.

In other meeting business, commissioners reviewed a section of the administrative code to modify the time requested for advance notice for certain professional service agreements.

Commissioner David Jones explained the bill was put into place to "give the opportunity for proper due diligence on contracts that are of significance."

The bill provides a 60-day window, which can be waived by the board.

Commissioner Dr. Percy Dougherty said the bill would allow the board to work with the administration in advance and prevent deferrals.

Commissioner Geoff Brace expressed his concern at the "unintended consequences" of the bill's 60-day requirement.

After a lengthy discussion clarifying the "working parts" of the bill, Commissioner Brad Osborne suggested reactivating leadership meetings to prevent communication issues in the future.

All except for Brace voted in favor of the bill.

Commissioner Amanda Holt made a motion for the board to request the information and technology department actively find a vendor to provide digital space for board documents.

Dougherty seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

The board also accepted a $4,099.54 donation from the estate of Ethel R. Swoyer.