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Standing room only at Goodwill Fire Company anniversary celebration

At the front of the social hall at Goodwill Fire Company, Germansville, were large posters listing both individual and business patrons.

The back of the hall was standing room only July 11 when the company was celebrating its 100th anniversary.

Deputy Chief Randy Metzger addressed the audience.

"On behalf of current and past firefighters, we are glad to see you - our friends, neighbors and those who don't know us but call upon us in an emergency, we continue to stand on this hill," Metzger said.

United Church of Christ Pastor Karen Yonney of Heidelberg Union Church said she did not know much about the fire company when asked to do the invocation.

But she knew the area had good people with a strong and loving sense of community.

She read a rewrite of the 23rd Psalm directed toward firefighters, and began her prayer with "Oh loving and gracious God, we thank you for the way the folks in this community work and play together and support one another ... We pray for all first responders: the firefighters, the medics and their support team."

Daneen Haas, Julia Haas, Emily Witt and Morgan Moss from Northwestern Lehigh High School sang the "Star Spangled Banner."

Fire Company President Paul McAdams said the company has been transformed in the last 100 years from having a 55 gallon chemical tank to a 2,500 gallon tanker.

"For 100 years this company has remained volunteer and is always looking for new people," he stated. "Look at our website and Facebook and if you are interested come for a tour. This fire company is community oriented."

Jay Scheffler has 23 years with the company, 11 of those as chief.

He said there are 21 active volunteers who do all kinds of things from fires to rescues.

"They answer 160 calls annually putting in 700 hours," Scheffler said. "Seventy-five percent are certified as Firefighters I."

Heidelberg Township supervisors listen to our needs, he said.

"Our brothers from New Tripoli are covering for us to allow us the freedom of the day," he said.

Shoanna Pfeifly of Central Grange 1650 said the Grange started with 78 charter members 100 years ago, and has taken many blue ribbons at local fairs.

"When the group talked of building a hall, it was decided it made more sense to work with the fire company," Pfeifly said. "In 1968, a Junior Grange was started."

The Grange is a community service organization that sponsors two $500 scholarships each year, supports an ambulance and gives thousands of dollars to the fire company for such things as the elevator, Pfeifly stated.

Steve Bachman, Heidelberg supervisor, welcomed past, present and future firefighters and all volunteers who made the celebration possible.

He pointed out that Ben Franklin was a volunteer with the Union Fire Company of Philadelphia.

Eleven buckets were their total equipment.

A lot stays the same but a lot changes, he said.

Two years ago, the company came to the supervisors and asked for a fire tax which provides $100,000 a year, Bachman said.

"Only 25 to 30 percent of people respond to a subscribers' letter," he stated. "If 100 percent of the potential subscribers paid the $25 a tax would not be needed."

State Rep. Gary Day, R187th, said people were at his home today because he lived only five doors away.

In cities with paid firefighters, people are beginning to realize what volunteer means, Day said.

Day said he was proud to see so many companies there to honor Goodwill.

He presented a citation from the House of Representatives to McAdams.

Ellen Kern, of state Sen. Pat Browne's office, R-16th, said the ceremony brings into focus the importance of volunteers.

She also presented a citation.

Metzger said Congressman Charlie Dent, R-15th, helped the company get a grant for its newest pumper-tanker.

"Thanks especially to those who go out and answer the call. It does not work without you. Congratulations on this centennial," Dent said.

State Fire Commissioner Tim Solobay said a group of men and women as firefighters and in EMS make public safety a core value of any community.

"We used to have 300,000 and now it is one-sixth of that," Solobay said. "He thanked the supervisors for making the tax commitment."

Wives, children, girl and boy friends were asked to stand because it is due to them that the volunteers are able to do what they do. It is very stressful on them also.

He said $30 million is available for grants, but we are going to ask Day for more. The Haas sisters, Witt and Moss sang "America the Beautiful."

Past and present fire chiefs receive a plaque for their work with the company..