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Some Salisbury Township officials are concerned about the impact of bicycle lanes planned along Lindberg Avenue.

Benjamin T. Guthrie, project manager, Traffic Planning And Design, Inc., speaking during his presentation at the July 9 township meeting workshop, said the concerns will be taken into consideration.

"We look at it as a traffic calming project," Guthrie said of the bicycle lanes.

The bike lanes would be along Lindberg Avenue. About 10 feet for the lanes would be allocated for bicycles for a distance of about 1.5 miles from Lindberg Park to Green Acres Park.

"So, that would eliminate parking along Lindberg?" Commissioner Robert Martucci, Jr. asked.

Parking along both sides of Lindberg occurs after the park lot fills up during sports events in the park.

"Restricting parking on both sides [of Lindberg] is a definite concern," Salisbury Township Director of Public Works John Andreas said.

"I think it needs to be looked at in terms of parking," Commission President James A. Brown said.

There would be some curb cuts along Lindberg Avenue. Curbs and sidewalks would be installed along Flexer Avenue in areas where none exist.

Township commissioners voted 5-0 at the March 27 meeting to approve an application for funding for the project under the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation "Transportation Alternative Program" for the Lindberg Avenue bicycle lanes.

PennDOT would fund 80 percent of the estimated $300,000 to $400,000 cost. The remaining 20 percent would be for engineering, which the township would fund with Keystone Consulting Engineers, township engineering consultant.

The bicycle lanes are part of the Lindberg Park Master Plan, which has 11 phases. The total cost is estimated at $3 million. The completion timeline is about 10 years.

Work on the Lindberg Park Master Plan began in 2011, based on the township parks, recreation and open space plan. Public hearings on the Lindberg Park Master Plan were held during 2012. The consultant for the Lindberg Park Master Plan is Urban Research & Development Corp.