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Having commenced work on replacing the Race Street sewer line in Macungie, it was discovered the water line, which was barring access to the sewer line, was outdated and in need of upgrading, not to mention being moved.

Due to the need for replacing the outdated water line, the borough's water authority agreed to cover certain line items on the bill up to a cost of $54,273, which Borough Manager Chris Boehm described as paying for the water line itself. The water line is being upgraded from a four to a six and the hydrant is being updated as well. The authority asked the borough to cover trenching costs.

Council reviewed the numbers at the July 20 Macungie Borough Council meeting and President Chris Becker said the cost might be lower than what was shown. A change order was approved for the borough to pay $17,870 (the change order being necessary because costs of the project were over what was budgeted). A credit of $7,642 will also be applied toward the payment.

Council approved resolution 2015-07 authorizing the borough to sign the winter services agreement with PennDOT. Becker noted there was a more than $5,000 increase from last year. The agreement extends up to 2020.

Regarding Cotton Street, Boehm reported all property easements are now drawn up and she will start scheduling meetings soon. But timing other borough projects plays a big part in scheduling this one. Cotton Street cannot be done until the traffic light is in.

The borough has the permit for the traffic light and it is included in the bid for the streetscape plan Boehm hopes, optimistically she said, to have in for fall or winter. If that works out, Cotton Street could possibly be up for bid in spring of next year.

One of Boehm's concerns is the streetscape plan calls for a sidewalk to be built running in the railroad's right-of-way, something she isn't sure the borough has authority to do. The project will be discussed along with several other items at a planning commission/council workshop 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11.

In other business, Richard Murphy and Alexander Smith were both appointed part-time police officers for the borough.

Council will be adopting two ordinances at the Aug. 3 meeting: Ordinance 2015-05, the "DROP" Ordinance; and Ordinance 2015-06 Sidewalk and Park Amendment Ordinance. Members of the public wishing to comment on these items are encouraged to attend.