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George Caldarelli was honored for his years with Lower Macungie Township at the July 16 Lower Macungie Board of Commissioners meeting. He served the township as a building inspector and fire marshall.

In other business, a resolution was passed for a liquor license transfer for the Whole Foods store being constructed at Hamilton Crossings. In-house restaurants serving alcohol have become a regular trend of grocery stores.

The Heim's, 7871 Mountain Road, proposed and was approved for an agricultural security area for their land at this location.

Several residents ex-pressed concerns about tractor trailers being on small country roads. One resident said she had to drive off the road to avoid a speeding large truck on Spring Creek Road. Another resident spoke about the Schoeneck Road and Route 100 intersection. This resident lives in the Hills of Lockridge and frequently uses Schoeneck Road. There are times where motorists must drive off the road to avoid collisions with truckers.

Township Engineer Alan Fornwalt said the intersection modifications are in process with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and should be approved by fall with construction beginning in the spring of 2016.

Commissioner Brian Higgins expressed his concern as he lives in the same area.

A public meeting will be held in Upper Milford Township about the replacement of the bridge over the train tracks on Route 29 at the Upper Milford Township building July 22.

The Hamilton Crossings project is proceeding ahead of schedule. Road improvements are beginning according to Fornwalt.

Sara Pandl, planning director, said the Heritage Plaza grant includes a parcel of land the township owns on the corner of Hamilton Boulevard and Brookside Road in front of Wawa. This park will include seating, bike racks, lighting and signage.

Brian Geist has been named the new building inspector for Lower Macungie Township effective Aug. 3.

Township Manager Bruce Fosselman reported there is a lot of action at Camp Olympic. The disc park is being constructed by the Boy Scouts. The parking lot is in the process of repaving. Phase 1 of the upper barn renovation is 95 percent completed.

Construction will begin July 20 of the pump park and rain garden. The bungalow has been rented and construction for the Eco Park will begin in August.

Fosselman also said the recreational parks program has done very well this summer with great attendance. The pool has not done quite as well due to the weather.

The televised RCN broadcast of the commissioner's meetings has been improved. The audio is much easier to hear. This also reminds residents the commissioners' meetings are broadcast live on RCN on the first and third Thursdays of the month.

PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZ George Caldarelli is issued a proclamation for his years of service with Lower Macungie Township at the July 16 board of commissioners meeting. Commissioners James Lancsek, Ron Beitler, Vice President Brian Higgins in the rear, George Caldarelli, President Ryan Conrad and Commissioner Douglas Brown stand together following the presentation.