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Route 863, I-78 bridge replacement postponed until next year

Weisenberg Township Administrator Brian Carl's report to the board at its July 13 meeting included an announcement the bridge replacement at Route 863 and I-78 will be postponed until next year.

In other matters, supervisors got an earful from some residents.

Walter Snider of Edelweiss Road complained about his neighbor's late night activities.

The neighbor is apparently operating heavy equipment in the early hours of the morning.

Snider stated the man is, at times, operating a tractor and a skid loader at 2 a.m.

After each party voiced their opinions, township Solicitor Donald Lipson, said they should meet with township Administrator Brian Carl to iron out their problems.

If no settlement is reached, the parties would have to obtain an attorney and argue the matter in court.

In other matters, supervisors approved resolutions for the Jack Folk subdivision the planning module, the Golden Key Road agreement pertaining to the subdivision at the fire station and designating a pension administrator.

Larry Geiger of Beitler Surveying presented revised plans for the township park.

The board reviewed the plans and gave approval to proceed with obtaining an NPDES permit.

Gerald Rusinko of Cramer Road inquired about the status of the George Hoffman property along Independent Road.

According to Administrator Carl, Hoffman has agreed to clean up the property and will proceed accordingly.

He will receive adequate time but if he does not take care of the problem to Carl's satisfaction, he could be prosecuted.

Resident Jeff Broadhurst showed his plans to the board regarding his driveway location.

He wants to have his driveway as the existing field driveway from Blacksmith Road, although he has frontage on Carpet Road.

Broadhurst will be required to show an easement across the property, which he owns, to get to his lot where he is building a new home.

Supervisors agreed to waive Section 4.4 of the driveway ordinance so Broadhurst will be allowed to use this driveway.

Diane Gehringer, via a letter to the board, requested speed limit signs be erected along Silver Creek and Bachelor roads.

Carl said a traffic study is needed before the limit can be set.

Carl, wearing his fire chief's hat, gave the Weisenberg Township Volunteer Fire Department report.

A total of 109 calls have been received so far this year.

He told the board that the new sign has been erected at the fire station.

The 8-1/2 foot by 5-1/4 foot digital sign is in memory of former Township Administrator Reynold Reinert.

The fire company will be having a car wash from 8 a.m.-noon Aug. 15. Meat pie sales start Aug. 3.

Roadmaster Tony Werley in his report told supervisors oiling and chipping of roads is the main priority.

Road crews are helping Lynn Township with its oiling and chipping.

Township Engineer Ryan Christman reported a new plan has been received for a subdivision on Carpet Road.

Treasurer Jeff Straus advised the board a problem with Verizon has been resolved.

Administrator Carl's report included notification that Smith Elliott will be the TPA firm that will manage the pension fund and Hillwood Properties requested a reduction in the permit fees for construction of Building C at West Hills Industrial Park.

He lauded Frank Bartholomew for his service as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the township.

Bartholomew spends a lot of volunteer time in this position and is constantly taking classes to keep abreast of the latest information.