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Board OKs ordinance advertising

Washington Township supervisors voted July 7 to advertise an ordinance joining the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors in a trust to cover workmen's compensation.

Also to be advertised will be requests for bids for aggregate (stone), gas and diesel fuel, a bridge project and the road Superpave program.

The bridge project is estimated to cost approximately $150,000 for a new deck and beams on Old Mill Road bridge.

There is still $80,000 in the liquid fuels fund, but the bridge has to be done, even if some road projects have to be put on hold.

The old beams from the bridge will be placed at the municipal building to be sold as scrap.

In other matters, a thank-you letter was received from the Lehigh Gap Nature Center for the annual $2,000 donation and for keeping the entry road, Paint Mill, in good condition.

Renee Edwards was appointed to the Slatington Library board. She was requested by fellow board members.

Township Secretary JoAnn Ahner reported that following cleanup day the township had to pay $20 to dispose of mattresses.

Next year, there will have be a fee for that item.

The township broke even on the electronics collected for recycling.