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The spring concert at Salisbury High School was bittersweet for Director Rachel Reinecke.

This is the year she is saying goodbye to 2015 graduates, many of which she has taught for seven years.

Reinecke was previously the middle school chorus director before moving to the high school.

For Reinecke, this was the last group of eighth grade girls who participated in a special chorus class at the middle school.

"What stands out to me most as I look back on these seven years is the idea so many of the students on stage find a second home in music, that making music brings them together with a second family and music for them is a safe place," Reinecke said.

The concert featured performances by the jazz band, "Descant Get Enough," concert band, concert chorus and a song by the 2015 seniors.

An exciting portion of the concert was a performance of a commissioned song by Andy Beck for Salisbury entitled, "In The Dark of Midnight" performed by members of the concert chorus. The chorus was accompanied by Class of 2014 member John Leiderman.

The commissioned song was funded through the sale of gift cards.

Senior members of the chorus include Alexus Baraket-Hajducko, Danielle Bartolucci, Alexa Brobst, Heather Clements, Shannon Cornish, Sydney Costenbader, Thalya Creswell, Meagan Eripret, Robyn Hankee, Taylor Hoffman, Jessica Ionescu, Lindsey Johnson, Lindsey Joseph, Arianna Kehm, Kaylee LaBar, Hali Letlow, Caroline Long, Lexi McKelley, Brandi Moyer, Kaitlin O'Connor, Emily Pollock, Sara Reichard, VanLeer-Mercedes Reid, Olivia Werkheiser, Kiana Wieder and Meghan Williams.

Senior chorus members chose to sing "100 Years" by John Ondrasik as their farewell song.

Senior members of the concert band include Taylor Hoffman, Sara Reichard, Brianna Greenawalt, Michael Palmer, Meagan Eripret and Alexander Mery,

Of the seniors, Reineke described them as "accomplished musicians and athletes representing a variety of sports including soccer, field hockey, basketball, twirling, cheerleading, track and field, baseball and softball.

"Two signed letters of intent this past fall to extend their athletic careers into college and even brought me cake from the signing party.

"They are academics taking full loads of honors and AP classes. They are thespians and volunteers, happily participating in our best buddies program.

"Next year they will depart for colleges near and far to pursue studies in business, theatre, general studies, science, engineering and education.

"Two will attend my alma mater, Temple University, and live in my old home, Hardwick Hall. I proudly wrote references for three of them despite the fact no one in admissions at Temple University would remember me specifically. I would proudly write references for them all.

"We have held each other up through some very difficult times," Reineke said.

"This group is the first graduating class to have called the high school home for four years. Before this year, the last year they were the oldest group in the school was when they were in fifth grade. They arrived at the high school and fit in the way a youngest child fits into a family: a bit unafraid, a bit unconcerned, a bit knowing someone else did it wrong first, a bit knowing that as the youngest you're expected to make mistakes and grow. They found their way and paved the path for future groups of freshman: do what you do, be proud of what you do, take responsibility for what you do. In this they left a lasting impact," Reineke said in her speech.

Reineke said she will forever remember the lessons the students taught her.

"This group re-introduced me to the joy of reading; I hope they know they are all extremely talented, whether it be singing, playing an instrument or some other talent.

"This group has worn their hearts on their sleeves. Unashamed to share how they feel or talk about what is important. And they have embraced/embodied these quotes that I stole from the series finale of Glee: 'When we look back on our time here, we should be proud, for what we did and who we included.'"

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH Senior members of the Salisbury High School chorus stand with Director Rachel Reinecke following the spring concert at the school.