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The streets of Meadowbook look like the Hollywood studio back lot for the "Leave It To Beaver" (1957-1963) television show.

Lawns are neatly manicured, houses are well-maintained and a canopy of street trees gives the appearance of an ideal suburban neighborhood.

With one exception: 2870 Meadowbrook Circle South.

A vacant home at that address in western Salisbury Township brought several Meadowbrook Circle South neighbors out to the July 9 Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners meeting.

The neighbors voiced their dismay as to why the township apparently cannot do anything to have the home improved.

The commissioners voiced their concern as to why they were only learning about the problem property five years after complaints began.

Jim Jerista, who with his wife, lives next door to the abandoned home, described it as a "hoarding situation" and a "hazardous situation for the neighborhood.

"The house does harbor rodents," Jerista claimed, adding the house has a stench.

"My wife and I had a party and it was like an open grave," Jerista alleged of odors emanating from the house.

"It's going to cost a fortune to fix it up. That home needs to be condemned. It will turn our area into a slum," Jerista said.

"My neighbors and I have watched this property decline," Donna M. Kish-Goodling said, warning about the "broken-window syndrome" she said can affect property values and the tax base.

"We live in a really nice township," Kish-Goodling said. "We have to look at what kind of laws we need to make sure this [properties in disrepair] doesn't keep happening."

Atty. John W. Ashley, Salisbury Township solicitor, said he received notice June 22 from Wells Fargo Bank the house is in foreclosure. Ashley said the house is private property and the township cannot legally access it. The owner of record is Jeanne Longenhagen.

"Issuing fines against the home isn't going to get the property cleaned up," Ashley said.

He surmised refurbishing the house will occur once it's sold.

"I think we need to do something about this, but from what John [Ashley] says, we can't," Commissioner Robert Martucci, Jr. said.

Sandy Nicolo, Salisbury Township code enforcement officer, said he visited the property and boarded up a portion of the garage door to prevent access by vermin.

Nicolo said he has been trying to get the house cleaned up since 2010.

After the July 9 meeting, Nicolo showed a reporter for The Press a violation notice letter dated June 30 returned to the township because the United States Postal Service was unable to deliver it.

"This has obviously been going on for a couple of years," Commission President James A. Brown said during the township meeting.

"This is the first time we heard about it. Now that the bank has taken it over, it will be resolved," Brown said.

RIGHT: Neighbors claim the house at 2870 Meadowbrook Circle South is a 'hazardous situation for the neighborhood.' PRESS PHOTOS BY PAUL WILLISTEIN