To the Editor:
I remember when I heard the 9/11 steel beams were coming through the Lehigh Valley, I called the Macungie Town Hall and they confirmed the trucks bearing the beams would be coming up Route 29 and heading toward the Countryside Restaurant. I decided I had to go see them.
I parked my car on the lot at the top of the hill, got out and leaned on my car to wait. There was a car parked to the left with a young family. You could tell by the hand motions, the parents were trying to explain to the children what was to happen. The car next to me had two older couples with solemn expressions.
Suddenly I heard some of the children on the hill shout "Here they come."
The truck horns were blaring and the gears grinding as they came up the hill.
The beams were charred from the intense fire in the buildings and were carried on several trucks, one draped with the American flag.
I, a widow and wife of a deceased veteran pilot, started to cry: I put my hands over my face, ashamed of my tears. But no I was not ashamed; the tears were heartfelt and in spite of such a tragedy I was proud to be an American.
I remember other horrors our world has endured, Pearl Harbor, The Holocaust and the Second World War in which so many people lost their lives.
The USA is so very precious. It was a place of freedom for those who were oppressed in other lands. Next to the Bible, the Constitution was based on the Judeo-Christian principles. It was given by God to our ancestors to keep this nation free. We are a nation that reaches out to help friends and foes alike.
When I saw those beams, I thought we must never forget and take advantage of our freedom.
But this nation has changed and many of our freedoms are in jeopardy.
Our Constitution is being challenged and there are those who say our nation is no longer a Judeo-Christian nation.
As I now enter my ninth decade, I see warning signs that hard times are coming.
Citizens, don't let us lose our freedom.
Pray, people of this nation - pray.
June V. Laudenslager