On Jan. 10, 1940 the Emmaus Public Library, originally located on the first floor of 435 Chestnut St., opened to the public.
Recently, the library, currently situated at Main and Ridge streets, hosted a variety of celebratory activities. According to head librarian Krista Pegnetter, "It was exactly what I had in mind … [a] local, community event." Indeed, the activities offered something for everyone.
A wall display of articles and photos of the library's development drew history buffs. Children costumed as their favorite storybook characters flocked to the library's birthday party. Bakers competed in a Bake-a-Book edible book contest and silent auction of entries.
In tribute to its 1940 opening date, the library sponsored a matinée presentation of Rebecca, the Academy Award winning best picture for that year. The festivities crescendoed with an evening of musical entertainment by the Royalaires and closed with a book sale at 1940s prices.
Delighted by the number of participants, Pegnetter explained the celebration was "Our gift to the community … our library community."
The various programs also provided an opportunity for local residents to appreciate the library's achievements and to view future plans.
Across the years, changes in location and staffing have never altered the library's mission. As stated in "The History of the New Emmaus Public Library", the founders "focused on a dream … of establishing a library [for use by all members of the community] for educational and recreational purposes."
Library patrons realize this vision has become an active and crowded reality.
The library provides access to an array of paper, audio and visual materials, houses computers and photocopiers for public use and incorporates a play area within the children's section.
A new mural created by Emmaus High School art students in conjunction with professional artist Isaiah Zagar adorns an outside wall.
Programs for children and adults abound. Consequently, the facility needs to expand.
The addition of a children's wing is planned. Initiated 10 years ago, the project has reached the final engineering survey stage. Architectural drawings were displayed during the celebration and remain available for viewing at the library.
The role of the library in the Borough of Emmaus is a vital one. As stated by Pegnetter, "We [the library board, staff and volunteers] are cognizant of [the library's] role as a family-friendly alternative."
Therefore, the library freely provides a multitude of programs and services.
Steeped in 75 years of community service, the Emmaus Public Library remains a continually evolving work in progress.