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Board rejects Cedarbrook takeover

The future management of Cedarbrook Nursing Home, South Whitehall, remains in limbo.

Lehigh County commissioners voted 4-2, at their June 24 meeting, against having Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network manage the nursing home.

Voting against the nursing home takeover were Commissioners Percy Dougherty, Amanda Holt, Vic Mazziotti and Michael Schware.

County Director of Administration Daniel McCarthy said Good Shepherd is the most qualified organization to manage Cedarbrook based on its strong reputation in the county and state, and its ability to inject new, needed ideas into Cedarbook operations.

McCarthy said the commissioners' vote will negatively affect the county for years to come.

"It's wrong for the residents of the county," McCarthy said. "It's wrong for the employees of Cedarbrook ... It's wrong for our residents there."

Dougherty said he voted against Good Shepherd because its emphasis is not on managing a county nursing home.

Mazziotti agreed, adding while Good Shepherd manages two longterm care facilities currently it has no experience managing a county nursing home.

Board Chairman Brad Osborne and Commissioner David Jones Sr. expressed support for Good Shepherd.

Osborne said Good Shepherd is a professional organization with an active board and team of leaders, which would prove beneficial to Cedarbrook.

Good Shepherd, Jones added, has already proved its competency and ability to manage Cedarbrook based on its strong reputation in the community.

"I'm not giving in to a stranger," Jones said of his vote. "I'm not bringing in somebody from the outside the community doesn't know."

McCarthy assured the board and audience Cedarbrook will not close.

"The level of care will be maintained," he stressed.

The board's rejection of Good Shepherd means it is back to the drawing board.

The county administration must again make a recommendation and present the recommendation to the board for its approval.

McCarthy said regardless of what the Cedarbrook advisory team says, the recommendation will not be followed until 2016.