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School board budget shows tax increase

The Whitehall-Coplay School Board approved the final adoption of the 2015-16 budget in a 5 to 3 vote during a special meeting Monday.

The budget, set at $61,898,742, shows an increase of 3.53 percent over last year. It balances revenues with projected expenditures, requiring an increase of 0.4337 mills for a total net real estate tax rate of 15.8523 mills. This represents a yearly increase of $74.16, or 2.81 percent, to the average residential property.

Prior to the board voting on the matter, Whitehall resident Paul Maderic spoke about his displeasure with the budget.

Maderic handed out an advertisement about the hunger problem in the township.

"A lot of poor people live in the Whitehall-Coplay School District," he said. "I'm here to talk about how disgusted taxpayers are with the budget."

Maderic, who said he lives on Sumner Avenue, told the board about the 1200 block of Ridge Avenue.

"There are 18 homes in the 1200 block. Twelve of the homes are elderly and retired," he said. "Another 3-percent tax increase affects the standard of living of those on a fixed income.

"There are many people working in the commercial area of the township, making minimum wage," Maderic said. "They are called the working poor. This affects them."

Before the budget vote, Superintendent John Corby made some comments.

"We believe we should offer students opportunities in academics, arts and athletics," Corby said. "The budget we have keeps that intact."

Corby spoke about how the budget is unique and that it is the first time the district will use some money from its fund balance in the budget.

He spoke about the difficulty the board faces in creating a budget before knowing what kind of funding the district will receive from the state.

"It's unfortunate we must adopt the budget before June 30," he said.

In the roll call vote, Robert Kolb, Arthur F. Taschler Jr., Eileen Abruzzi, Wayne Grim and Joyce Wheeler voted in favor of the budget, while board members Owen Eberhart Jr., Patty Gaugler and President Tina Koren voted against it. Board member Lloyd Schafer was absent.

After the board meeting, Eberhart told The Press he voted against it because there are "parts of the budget I couldn't agree with." He had no further comment.

Gaugler told The Press, "I don't agree with raising taxes."

Koren said, "The state doesn't tell us what we have. I hate to raise taxes, but until the state finds another way to do things, this is it."