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In a roll call vote at the Salisbury Township School District meeting June 17, the board of directors approved the final 2015-2016 general fund operating budget reflecting total expenditures in the amount of $33,989,399. Board members thanked the administration and staff for the lowest increase in years.

"We were able to add and restore services," school director Frank Frankenfield said.

Voting against the budget was Dr. Christopher J. Spedaliere.

"I think they [administration and staff] did a great job [on the 2015-2016 budget]. I am against the full-day kindergarten. Multiple parents told me they were not for it and I have not seen concrete benefits that exist," Spedaliere said.

Another important vote was on the renewal charter and resolution for the Arts Academy Charter School, 1610 Emaus Ave., Allentown. In a roll call vote, eight voted to approve with Board President Russell Giordano casting the sole no vote.

"I am voting no on the charter renewal because I continue to object to our taxpayers being taxed more than necessary to pay for multiple school systems that drain money for public education to cater to narrow special interests, enroll students based upon auditions, have unelected boards and receive less oversight than public schools," Giordano said.

Three district employees were recognized for their service to the district on the occasion of their retirements.

Rosemarie A. Brauchle, an instructional assistant at Harry S Truman Elementary School, has been with the district for 25 years. HST Principal Barbara Samide commended Brauchle "for keeping children safe" while working in the office for the last five years. Samide said it was no easy task with 400 students and 70 staff members.

Samide was recognized on her retirement after 10 years as principal of HST. Assistant Superintendent Lynn Fuini-Hetten called Samide "a true leader and visionary. Thank you for your work."

Food Services Coordinator Denise Steiger congratulated Connie Yost on her retirement. Yost has been the head cook at Western Salisbury Elementary School for the past 12 years. "She is very dedicated and will be missed," Steiger said.

In other personnel news, Robert Cassidy has resigned, due to retirement, as principal at Salisbury Middle School effective Sept. 7.

Business Administrator/Board Secretary Robert Bruchak's contract has been approved for a two-year term.

Darian Conrad has been approved as a full-time custodian at Salisbury High School effective July 1.

Robin Belzner has been approved as a full-time accounts payable bookkeeper at the adminstration building effective July 1.

Cyndee Hill has been transferred from a full-time guidance counselor between HST and WSE to a full-time guidance counselor at HST.

Brian Pritchard has been transferred from a part-time custodian at SMS to a part-time custodian at WSE effective July 1.

Shawn Judd has been transferred from a full-time custodian at WSE to a full-time custodian at SMS effective July 1.

The following individuals were approved for summer help in the district: Christopher Bishop, Brett Spencer, Nicholas Scarcia, Corbin Nesfeder, Laura Albright, Casey Weidenhammer, Eric Frankenfield and Ted Roblyer.

Barbara M. Brobst has resigned, due to retirement, as a cafeteria worker at WSE.

Cheryl Pennella has been approved as a full-time secretary effective July 1 at SHS.

Sherrie Kulp has been approved as a part-time courier effective July 1.

Katherine Yaglowski has been approved as a part-time instructional assistant at HST effective July 1.

Michael Gollie has been approved as a part-time evening custodian at WSE effective July 1.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH Harry S Truman Elementary School Principal Barbara Samide honors Rosemarie Brauchle on her retirement at the June 17 school board meeting. Brauchle has been an instructional assistant for the last 25 years.