The Emmaus Arts Commission will hold its third annual "Chalk the Walk" 9 a.m. to noon July 11 on sidewalks around Triangle Park.
Chalk the Walk is the local version of an Italian street painting festival. Artists are given a block on which to showcase their artwork using chalk or pastels. There is an entrance fee and artists are required to pre-register. The public is invited to watch the work in progress. Prizes will be awarded noon. For information and to register, visit info@chalkthewalk.net or call 610-762-5694.
The silent auction on the Emmaus Arts Commission's Rain Barrel Art is underway. Bids will be accepted 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 5 at the Emmaus Farmers' Market. Final bids will be taken beginning 9 a.m. at the Chalk the Walk event. The barrels will be awarded to the highest bidders 11 a.m. For information, vsiit www.emmausarts. org/rain-barrel-art-silent-auction.
The Emmaus Public Library's summer reading program, "Every Hero Has a Story!" is underway. Keeping with the hero theme, the library will host some special speakers and events through July.
At 4 p.m. July 7, "Fire Call!" author George DeVault will talk with the children about being a firefighter. At 7 p.m. July 16, Bob McLeod, illustrator and author of "The Superhero ABC," will draw and talk with the children about drawing superheroes. At 2 p.m. July 20, Cindy Schmaldinst will talk about the local food pantries and how to be an at home hero helping others in the community.
The public is invited to meet the Bethlehem mounted police and their horses 2 p.m. July 28.
The summer hero movie 2 p.m. July 14 is "The Incredibles," and the fun family film is "Apollo 13," 7 p.m. July 30.
Also, throughout the summer, adults may pick up a wrapped book based on its description, take it home and read it. In other words: Go on a "Blind Date with a Book." All ages and groups are encouraged to attend and continue to weave a section of the ongoing community art project, "Woven Welcome" 2 to 4 p.m. every Monday. The finished rugs are now on view at the Allentown Art Museum, which is open without charge during the summer.
Free blood pressure screening is offered 10 a.m. to noon July 27. For information, call 610-965-9284 or visit www. emmauspl.org.
Emmaus Borough Council will meet 7 p.m. July 20 in borough hall, 28 S. Fourth St.
The compost center is open 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.
The electronics recycling Dumpster is open noon to 6 p.m. the second Monday of each month.
The borough offices will be closed July 3 for the holiday.
The community pool will be open noon to 8 p.m. through Aug. 23. Adult swims are 8 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays until July 30. There will be a Dash & Splash 5K Race July 22. For information and cost, visit emmaus5k.com. For information, visit www. Emmaus- ENT.com.
The East Penn Emmaus Midget football Association will sponsor a movie night showing "Little Giants" on the football field in community park July 10. The movies are hosted by the parks and recreation commission and show time is dusk. You are reminded to bring blankets and lawn chairs.
Spend a pleasant evening at community park listening to the popular Sunday concerts. The performances in July are July 5: Scott Marshall and Hill Billy Souls; July 12: Lou Franco Project; July 19: Still Kickin'; and July 26: No Pressure with special guest Dave Fry and Lucky 7 horn players. The concerts are free and held rain or shine in the Arts Pavilion.
The Emmaus Farmers' Market in the KNBT parking lot, 235 Main St., is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday Special programs are July 5: Emmaus Public Singing Society; July 12: Gesture Without Motion; July 19: The Cal Stueben Trio and July 26: the Peach Tones. For information, visit emmausmarket.com.
The program for the Emmaus Garden Club's July 7 meeting is "Small-Space Food Growing" by Scott Meyer. Meyer is the former editor of Organic Gardening and author of "The City Homesteader: Self-Sufficiency on Any Square Footage." The club meets noon for social time with the program beginning 12:30 p.m. and followed by a business meeting 1:30 p.m. at Faith Presbyterian Church, 3002 N. Second St.
This year, the Emmaus Commemorative Gardens Foundation has created a special walkway at the Emmaus Remembrance Garden at Knauss Homestead as a venue to honor community heroes. The dedication of the walkway will be 5 p.m. Sept. 10. The deadline for brick orders to honor a policeman, firefighter or ambulance corps member to be included in the September dedication is July 15. For information, call 484-274-2089.
The Emmaus 1803 House is gearing up for its Oct. 3 festival, A Very Merrie Halloween. The committee is looking for vendors for its juried craft show. For information, visit the organization's newly designed website at www.1803house.org. The website invites you to take a tour of the house as well as providing information on the house's history.
The next deadline for including information in the August column is July 16. Please send to durdock@aol.com, 913 Little Lehigh Drive or phone 610-967-2661. My best wishes for a happy and safe Fourth of July.