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Former Heidelberg Twp worker airs complaints about municipal office

Due to limited staffing at the township office, supervisors passed a motion to restrict office hours Thursday and Friday to "by appointment only," until the office is restaffed.

Hours of operation will remain the same Monday through Wednesday.

Supervisors are reviewing applications for a part-time road crew worker and a part-time zoning assistant/office secretary.

A moment of silence was held prior to the Pledge of Allegiance in memory of Alex Huber, 21, who was killed in a car accident April 25.

Huber, the son of Roadmaster Kevin Huber, was a part-time road worker.

During public comment portion of the supervisors' May 21 meeting, Tara Jones, who resigned as zoning office assistant/office secretary this month, voiced her opinions about the operating quality of the township's municipal office.

She told supervisors as her complaints were continually ignored, she needed her voice to be heard.

Jones told the board her decision to leave was based on numerous factors she felt would not get resolved.

With no previous township experience, Jones said she assumed she would be trained by the township administrator.

Jones said she was uncomfortable with the lack of training she received.

According to Jones, Township Administrator Janice Meyers reportedly told her she wasn't properly trained for the zoning operation of the township either, and the previous Zoning Office Assistant Kathy Hermany performed all the township's zoning operations.

"I have worked here for 15 years and there has never been sufficient training," Meyers said.

Chairman Steve Bachman responded to the issue of insufficient training.

"This is a never ending learning experience," Bachman told Jones.

Bachman said al-though Jones felt the training was inadequate he had not heard one bad thing about the zoning office from residents.

"The truth is I had to learn her job while I was training her for the job," Meyers said.

Jones told the board in addition to the insufficient training, she felt continual frustration with the amount of work she saw not getting done.

She said there was no follow-up on anything and there was not a team feeling or unity in the office.

Jones said she met individually with two supervisors at least five times while she was employed to discuss office operation issues.

Vice Chairman Rodney Schlauch Jr. told Jones he thought the issues she had discussed with him were resolved.

"I was not made aware of any of this," Meyers said. "I honestly did not know things were this bad."

During the board's response to Jones, residents offered comments from the audience.

"Before the next person is hired, what are we going to do to prevent this from happening again?" Township Tax Collector Phyllis Breininger asked.

Residents Bill and Lisa Cope suggested the board hire a township manager to get things straightened out.

In other matters, Fire Chief Jay Scheffler reported volunteers for Germansville Fire Company have been busy conducting fundraisers and readying the fire station for the 100 year anniversary celebration July 11.

Northern Valley Emergency Medical Services representative Mark Smith announced NOVA has been working with Germansville Fire Company to help them get the fire company recognized as a Quick Response Service agency.

Since last meeting, there has been questions regarding emergency medical service coverage for Northwestern Lehigh School District campus as the elementary school lies on the line between Heidelberg and Lynn townships.

Supervisor David Fink said since the taxing jurisdiction for Northwestern Lehigh School District campus along Route 309 is Heidelberg Township, NOVA will be the primary ambulance service.

A letter was sent to Dan Bellesfield at Lehigh County 911 Communications Center stating the distinction.

Smith told supervisors although the board has not heard a response from the letter, he doesn't think the issue has been resolved.

Roadmaster Huber reported road crews have been busy sealing cracks and filling holes left from winter.

Huber also told supervisors PennDOT now requires municipal mowing equipment to have a shadow vehicle if roads were not closed during maintenance.

Bachman suggested signs be made to temporarily close roads during mowing, since he foresees the cost of a shadow vehicle driver costing the township twice the amount.

Bachman said the Amusement Tax Ordinance should be reworded to distinguish "large gathering," like "Tough Mudder" events before a motion is made to pass it.

He said the wording is painfully restrictive making the ordinance difficult to administer.