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The third grade classes at Harry S Truman Elementary school recently took a field trip to Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, Stroudsburg.

This is a 19th-century Pennsylvania German farm focused on educating and preserving the history of rural farm life.

The students toured the farm, traveling through different buildings on the homestead where they met people who re-enacted the original German family who lived on the farm from the 1760s until 1913.

Students learned about small animals kept on the farm and all the uses for them.

Various small, simple machines used on a daily basis were demonstrated for the visitors.

Students got a glimpse into what it was like to sit in a schoolhouse and to see where the people of the era ate, slept and lived.

Third-graders also had the opportunity to see some of the animals that would have been on the farm and their many uses to help make work easier.

Brooke Bleam carefully holds a duckling while learning about the many benefits of having ducks on the farm. PRESS PHOTOS BY sarah takacs