The Upper Milford Township Board of Supervisors discussed the positive feedback they received after removing the hedges on Allen Street at the workshop meeting June 4.
Supervisor Robert Sentner suggested a letter written by the supervisors against the quarry in Lower Milford Township, outlining the potential negative environmental impacts of the quarry such as loss of quality farmland and water quality.
The supervisors also discussed the Community Development Block Grant Program and have decided to participate in this initiative once again because of its success in the past.
The board then stepped into an executive session to discuss personnel and real estate matters.
At the regular meeting, meeting minutes from the May 21 workshop and regular meeting were accepted by the board.
Bills were approved for the general fund in the amount of $17,575.80, the payroll fund in the amount of $48.92 and the escrow fund in the amount of $2,000.
As for old business, the board is looking to come to an agreement on the PennDOT Stockpile Lease.
Jessi O'Donald has been approved as assistant secretary and Daniel A. DeLong has been approved as assistant treasurer.
There was no solicitor's report or DEP/ sewage planning report.
The planning commission acknowledged the developer's acceptance of the conditions of Land Development Plan Approval as outlined in Upper Milford Township Resolution No. 2015-024.
According to a letter from Planning Coordinator Brian Miller, the township has received 180-day extensions for several land endeavors.
Chairman George DeVault read a letter of correspondence from state Rep. Justin Simmons, R-131st, dated June 1 regarding traffic improvement plans for the Route 29/100 corridor within Upper Milford Township. Simmons is in support of advancements of this project, due to the route being heavily travelled.
The Emmaus Library is gearing up to begin its annual summer reading program. This year's theme is "Every Superhero Has A Story."
There were no township, fire department, recreation commission or supervisors reports, however, Daniel Mohr mentioned several residents thanking him for the removal of the hedges from Allen Street to increase visibility.