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The East Penn School District Board of School Directors began the June 8 meeting with a moment of silence to honor and recognize the passing of Eleanor Powell, instructional assistant at Jefferson Elementary School and Abigail Zukowski, a fifth grade student at Jefferson Elementary School.

Ryan Peters, a teacher at Willow Lane Elementary School, brought a group of students from the singer/songwriter club to perform three songs for the board, including an anti-bullying song titled, "Where Love Lives," inspired by the No Place for Hate initiative.

The East Penn School District art department was presented with an appreciation award from the Emmaus Public Library for the efforts contributing to the creation of the mosaic mural on the outside of the library.

Several citizens requested to address the board, particularly concerning the motion to censure Lynn Donches set forth by Charles Ballard.

Rob Hamill, of Emmaus, expressed serious concern about Ballard's motion to censure Donches, claiming he was "mentally unfit" to serve on the board.

In addition to several other citizens, Joan Slozer, of Emmaus, supported Donches and thanked her for her efforts on the board.

"She is conscientious and responsible and takes her job very seriously," Slozer said.

The minutes from the May 11 board meeting were approved, following the district update from Superintendent Dr. Michael Schilder, who discussed the excellent behavior of students at the Emmaus High School graduation.

The possibility of an East Penn Foundation coming to fruition was addressed, after a successful first meeting with eight interested citizens.

The board approved several personnel retirements, resignations, voluntary transfers, general leave of absences, support staff appointments, co-curricular appointments and additional employees.

The board approved the bill list, with all members affirming with the exception of Donches.

The treasurer's report, bid opening report, award of contracts for flooring replacements in Macungie Elementary School and UV equipment in the EHS natatorium were also addressed.

During the approval of the 2015-2016 athletics admission fees, Donches motioned to amend, suggesting school faculty pay a small admission fee to sporting events to generate revenue to put back into the programs, but her amendment was not seconded by the board.

Toward the end of the meeting, the resolution to censure Donches for "waste of district resources and material misstatements of fact to the public and to this board" proposed by Ballard was not passed.

The next board meeting is June 22.