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Work, water level at Leaser Lake are progressing

The countdown has begun.

Only two more feet to add until the water flows over the spillway of Leaser Lake in Lynn Township.

Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation Chairman George White, reported at the group's May 28 meeting, held in the parking lot on the west side of the lake, when the handicapped fishing pier and the kayak launch are completed, the remaining logs will be placed to complete filling of the lake.

The water level was held at this point so the piers could be constructed.

The thought is that both of these projects can be completed within two weeks.

After they are completed, Ron Folk Paving will pave the walkways. Projects should be done by July 4.

The last time water went over the spillway was in 1999.

White noted several grants and donations were accepted by the foundation.

Two tourism grants were received from Lehigh County totaling $30,890 and a donation of $500 for a block for the memorial was received from the IBEW.

An anonymous donation of $4,000 was also received.

White gave an update on other grants the group was seeking.

Applications were made to Cabela's for a $45,000 grant, Lehigh County Tourism for $15,000 and to the Department of Community and Economic Development for an $85,000 grant.

This is the third try for the DCED grant.

Seventy-one birdhouses, of which two have disappeared, were erected by Cub Scouts.

The nests are monitored and it was noted 178 eggs were laid with 43 having hatched.

Nesting birds include tree swallows, wrens, bluebirds, chickadees and house sparrows.

Wood duck boxes erected two years ago have two wood duck families and one hooded merganser family.

White said up to 75 different species of birds were seen in one day at the lake.

Leaser Lake has the most diverse population of bird life in Lehigh County, he noted.

A Girl Scout Troop from New Tripoli is interested in constructing and erecting bat boxes around the lake.

Boy Scout Luke White of Troop 104, Krumsville, gave a report on his Eagle Scout project.

He showed foundation members a possible scenario for erecting information kiosks in the parking lot. He was open to any suggestions the members had regarding his project.

A kayak cart was shown to the board. Bill Kearns and Mike Schnur built the cart with parts from a hardware store.

Several more will be made and they will be available for people to move their kayaks from parking lot to launch site.

Kayaks may be rented in Wanamakers at the WK&S train station.

Weather permitting, the next Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation meeting will be 7 p.m. July 23 in the Follweiler Court parking lot.

PRESS PHOTOS BY KENNETH BLEILER The handicapped fishing pier is almost ready for Leaser Lake anglers to cast their rods.