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County board votes to support 'My Brother's Keeper' campaign

Lehigh County commissioners have decided to support the national "My Brother's Keeper" campaign.

During the May 28 meeting, the board unanimously agreed to become part of the initiative to help young men of color succeed in life.

The approved resolution directs the board to create a plan of action at the local level to ensure the success of area youth.

Commissioner David Jones Sr. spoke in favor of the board supporting the campaign.

"It will be a regional approach to solve some of the issues," he said. "It is specifically targeted toward identifying the barriers and gaps to success."

The campaign, in the beginning stages, will require no funding.

Jones said as time progresses, local governments will be asked to chip in.

"Once we get to the point where we know what the plan is, all the municipalities will be asked to make a multi-year commitment," he said.

Commissioner Amanda Holt said she hopes the initiative will eventually incorporate females as well.

She said, although the female prison population is much lower than the male, she said young females encounter other challenges placing them in trying situations.

The resolution as worded, Commissioner Lisa Scheller said, does not exclusively assist young males and has the opportunity to assist females.

Scheller noted young females who fail to graduate from high school in some cases end up becoming single mothers.

"This cycle is just as difficult to break as a cycle of incarceration," she said.

Commissioner Vic Mazziotti, along with the other Republicans on the board, supported the initiative.

"We probably should have done this sooner," he said.