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Salisbury High School

The Salisbury High School chapter of the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education recognized the 10 SHS graduating students with the highest cumulative average for the 2015 graduating class with a breakfast May 26.

The students, along with the college they will be attending and their course of study, are: Kaitlyn Toman, Lehigh University, majoring in civil engineering; Hannah Kahn, Pennsylvania State University, majoring in biomedical engineering; Kyra Lagunilla, Pennsylvania State University, majoring in biomedical engineering; Makenna Lenover, Bryn Mawr College, majoring in classical archaeology and anthropology and Hannah Marze, University of Pittsburgh, majoring in nursing.

Also, Lucas Vitalos, Drexel University, majoring in computer science; Michael Palmer, University of Delaware, majoring in chemical engineering; Christian Tiao, Johns Hopkins University, majoring in pre-medical; Jonathan Nadraws, Moravian College, majoring in chemical engineering; Levi Renninger, Pennsylvania State University, majoring in athletic training.

For more information on the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education, contact Becky Glenister at 610-434-8448 or Julie Bolton at 610-966-6400.

PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH The Salisbury High School chapter of the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education hosted a breakfast May 26 for the top 10 students with the highest cumulative average for the 2015 graduating class. They are, seated from left: Kaitlyn Toman, Hannah Kahn, Kyra Lagunilla, Makenna Lenover and Hannah Marze. Standing, from left: Lucas Vitalos, Michael Palmer, Christian Tiao, Jonathan Nadraws and Levi Renninger.