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Manager Sharon Trexler advised Alburtis Borough Council members at the May 27 meeting, work on Third Street curb and sidewalks should start on or about June 29.

Council passed a motion directing Trexler to notify homeowners by letter.

In other business, a request was received from a resident of Ridgeview Drive to post a no parking sign between certain hours, in front of their mailbox. Council decided, because parking is not permitted on the other side of the street, it would be better to require residents to move their mailboxes to the other side of the street. Trexler said she talked to post office officials about this and the proposal seemed agreeable.

President Steve Hill, with council in agreement, asked Trexler to check with the post office again to get a definite yes and then notify the homeowners by mail to move their mailboxes.

Minutes of the May 14 meeting were approved by a unanimous vote.

Council unanimously approved waiving the cost of a building permit for the construction of a pole building shed at the Alburtis Volunteer Fire Company.

Donnie Derr, representing the maintenance department, reported all crosswalks and parking stalls in town have been painted, police lines have been repainted and weed whacking will begin at the curbs throughout town. Maintenance also repaired the Dumpster ramps and platforms, treated the ball field for weeds and sprayed all overflow areas for weeds.

Derr scheduled a juvenile work crew for five weeks this summer. In June "no parking" areas will be repainted.

A community yard sale will be held in Alburtis 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 6.

Solicitor David Knerr was unable to attend the meeting.