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Pastor writes book on the meaning of life

Luther Crest, South Whitehall, recently served as a gathering place for the unveiling of a new book, "When All Hell Breaks Loose: From the Ashes of Dresden to Existential Grace," by Manfred K. Bahmann.

Bahmann, a resident of the retirement community, wrote the story of his life.

Divided into 17 chapters, the story, which took about six years to write, describes Bahmann's escape as a teenager from his hometown of Dresden, Germany, during World War II, being a member of the Nazi youth and his life as a pastor.

Bahmann, born in 1930, said the bombing of Dresden was the turning point in his life.

"I wrote the book to give an account, a sum total of my life in answer to the key basic question, 'What is the meaning of life?" Bahmann said. "It started me on my journey to personally understand the war and Nazi crimes."

He had the help of some understanding pastors and teachers to work though some of the religious issues but he never came to fully understand what happened during World War II, the bombing of his hometown and the Holocaust.

"It took years of discussing, searching, talking and fighting with people to find some answer on what is the meaning of life," Bahmann said.

Though all his searching for answers, Bahmann developed a strong foundation in Jesus Christ, and this led him to the ministry.

"Even though I wasn't sure I wanted to be a pastor, I decided to apply to the University of Goettingen to study theology, he said. "I wanted to find out more about Christian faith and life."

After studying at the university, Bahmann received a scholarship to Bonebrake Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, now United Theological Seminary.

He earned his Master's of Divinity degree from Bonebrake in 1954.

"In 1955, I went back to Germany and got my German Master of Divinity degree," Bahmann said. "On my way back to Germany, I met my wife Marianne on the boat. She was on her way to study music in Germany.

"After I was ordained in Germany, I served four years as a chaplain in the New German Military at Kaiserslautern (Army) and Ramstein (Air Force) bases."

While at Ramstein Air Force Base, he and Marianne, who was born in Schuylkill County, were married.

The couple later became parents of a daughter Andrea and son Chris.

Marianne said her husband's basic philosophy after everything fell apart was "Only Jesus Christ will be a lasting foundation when culture and family fail you."

"When All Hell Breaks Loose: From the Ashes of Dresden to Existential Grace" is available at Amazon.com.

PRESS PHOTO BY SUSAN BRYANT Manfred Bahmann, holding a copy of his book 'When All Hell Breaks Loose: From the Ashes of Dresden to Existential Grace,' discusses it with his wife Marianne, the Rev. Peter A. Petit Ph.D., director of the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding, Muhlenberg College, and William Jennings, retired professor from Muhlenberg College's Religion Department during the recent unveiling of the book at Luther Crest retirement community, South Whitehall Township.