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L.C. board waiting for suggestions on Cedarbrook nursing home

The future of Cedarbrook nursing home, South Whitehall, remains in limbo.

At the Lehigh County commissioners May 13 meeting, the board refused to move forward with a study to analyze ways to renovate the facility.

Commissioners instead agreed to abstain from taking any action while the Cedarbrook Advisory Team is working on the issue.

Director of General Services Rick Molchany requested the board provide funding for proposals on engineering and architectural design studies for the D wing.

He said the studies are a priority.

"It [study] probably should have been in the capital plan last year," he said.

Some commissioners took issue with Molchany's request.

"I feel like this could be jumping the gun," Commissioner Tom Creighton said.

The final recommendation from the advisory team is due by June 30.

Commissioner Geoff Brace was the only member of the board who supported Molchany's request.

Brace said proposals for the study would not be received until the advisory team submitted the final report.