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Concerns a proposed two-lot subdivision would worsen alleged stormwater runoff problems along Seidersville Road in an area of South Mountain were raised before the Salisbury Township Planning Commission.

Planners voted 4-0, with three planners absent, to table the proposed preliminary-final plan for a minor lot subdivision at 1561 Seidersville Road in the CR Conservation Residential Zoning District.

Planner Richard Schreiter made the motion to bring the decision to table the proposal to a vote. Planner Glenn Miller seconded the motion.

The subdivision is proposed by Mark Kijak, who attended the meeting with Edward A. Schlaner, Jr., owner, The Martin H. Schuler Company, an engineering and surveying company.

Bryan and Emily Pojanowski, Paul Dorney and Holly White, who live along Seidersville Road, attended the meeting and complained about what they said are existing stormwater runoff problems.

David J. Tettemer, planners' consulting engineer, of Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc., read from his May 6 review letter of the plan, citing several concerns about the project, including:

- The area of earth disturbance may require a variance.

- The proposal is a major subdivision because there will be a change to a road since a turnaround would be constructed at the end of Hillcrest Avenue.

"If there's any addition to streets, it's considered a major subdivision," Atty. John W. Ashley, planning commission solicitor said.

- The cartway (drivable road width) is 21 feet on Seidersville Road, but 36 feet is required.

Tettemer recommended planners not approve the proposal.

Cynthia Sopka, Salisbury Township director of planning and zoning, read from her May 7 review letter of the plan.

Sopka noted the township's new zoning ordinance changed the zoning designation for the area where the project is located from Medium Density Residential R-4 to CR Conservation Residential.

The proposal was submitted as being in the R-4 district.

"I had not received any notification of the change," Kijak said.

Sopka responded the new zoning ordinance was publicly advertised, is available for review at the township municipal building and is on the township website.

Noting the location of South Mountain and Lehigh Mountain in the township and associated stormwater runoff problems, Sopka said larger lots may be required because of steep slopes and septic tank use.

There is access to sanitary sewer service from the Bethlehem Sewer Authority, but it was stated there is a moratorium on new customers.

It was also noted a township fire inspector review of the proposal will be needed concerning access by fire department and emergency services vehicles.

"The water that comes off of that property right now floods across our driveway," Bryan Pojanowski said.

A concern about water freezing on the Seidersville Road surface was mentioned by Miller.

"It's a very narrow road and everybody's flying," Beck said.

"I'm concerned about the stormwater, as well," Miller said.

"We will look very closely at the stormwater runoff on this site," Tettemer said.