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Members of the Salisbury High School Class of 2015 gathered at Asbury United Methodist Church May 14 for a candlelight Baccalaureate service.

Each year the Baccalaureate service is organized by the Salisbury Moms in Prayer group, this year coordinated by parent Lisa Parker.

Special thanks were given to Laura Albright, Jordana Artiachi, Danielle Bartolucii, Marissa Butillo, Sue Butillo, Kevin Esslinger, Kellly Gonoude, Lindsey Joseph, Hali Letlow, Carly Long, Sara Reichard, Brad Sartorius and Erin Sartorius.

The musician for the evening was Jim Reichard.

Assisting from Asbury United Methodist Church were Aaron Forney, Paul Hoffman and Heidi Parsons.

Leading the worship was Pastor Lori Esslinger.

Talking to the seniors, Esslinger said many times opportunities are missed to see the light in ourselves and in others.

"Light that light; try things," Esslinger told the seniors.

"Things aren't always what we expect. We have the power to make a difference."

Providing the parent message was retired teacher Susan Quigg.

Quigg talked with the seniors about the love of a parent being "the propeller that keeps you going."

Quigg told seniors this will be a new experience for them as they move on to the next phase of their lives.

"Don't go alone," Quigg said. "Take God with you as your steadfast partner. Knowing God is a great blessing which you must embrace."

Knowing the importance of a Smartphone in the students' lives, Quigg mentioned there are 30 bible applications available to download for free.

"Life will always be a roller coaster ride. You need help to navigate your way. Your parents will always be there for you. So will God. You will never regret this decision," Quigg said.

Chosen to provide the teacher message was Michael Barna.

Barna began by quoting author David Viscott who said, "The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away."

"What is your gift," Barna asked the students.

"Be patient and receptive to God's call," Barna said. "Nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished with partial effort."

Barna encouraged the students as they graduate and move on to college or work making decisions on next steps.

He quoted Winston Churchill who said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Barna also quoted Ghandi who said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world."

"Light your beacon of love. Love one another as God has loved you. When you give the gift of love, the world becomes better a more peaceful beautiful place," Barna said in conclusion.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH Salisbury High School seniors attending the Baccalaureate service May 14 at Asbury United Methodist Church stand with teacher Michael Barna, left, retired teacher Susan Quigg and Pastor Lori Esslinger, right.