Bernadette Goetz was presented with the Emmaus Arts Commission Student Art Award at the Emmaus Borough Council meeting May 18.
This is the first year the award has been presented and is given to a graduating student of Emmaus High School who will pursue a career in the visual arts or arts related field.
There were 10 graduating seniors who qualified for this award.
Goetz received a $500 gift certificate to the Dick Blick Art Store from the Emmaus Arts Commission as well as an additional $100 gift certificate donated by the Dick Blick Art Store. Goetz will attend Lehigh Carbon Community College in the fall to study fine arts, and plans on transferring to either Kutztown University or Pennsylvania College of Art and Design to further her education.
Council has received a request by Kristofer Kwant to build a local distillery.
In a letter sent to council, Kwant stated it was his "desire to locate my distilled spirits plant in the borough of Emmaus. I'm specifically seeking the approval of the borough to allow the opening of a tasting room which will permit us to provide tasting samples as well as to sell spirits."
According to Borough Manger Shane Pepe, the current brewery ordinance may not cover everything needed, therefore council would have to draft a separate ordinance designed specifically for a distillery.
Kwant would like to have his business open by November.
In other business, after a lengthy discussion by council, Ordinance 1127 passed its first reading. This ordinance pertains to the Emmaus Police Pension Plan. Several minutes were spent discussing some of the language pertaining to the borough's financial situation if certain factors were to come into play. New language will be added for the second reading.
Council agreed to allow Aqua Zumba classes at the Emmaus Community Pool every other Friday during the summer months.
Council voted in favor of allowing Pepe to pursue bids for an electrical contract for borough hall. The current contract ends in July and the new contract could range anywhere from one to three years.
Mayor Winfield Iobst declared May 17 through 23 to be both Emergency Medical Services Week and National Public Works Week.
Lauren Kuhn was appointed to the EAC with a term expiring Feb. 1, 2018.
Vince Tranguch was appointed from alternate to sitting member of the Civil Service Commission with a term expiring Jan. 1, 2019.