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Alburtis Borough Council

Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer reported to council at the May 13 meeting Alburtis firefighters did an excellent job fighting the fire at Buckeye Tavern owned by Terry Bender, also the owner of Alburtis Tavern and Lodge.

"Since he (Terry Bender) has moved into the borough and started the business, he has been an asset to the community and speaking for council, we wish him well in view of his recent disaster."

We wish him well," Council President Steve Hill repeated respectfully and many council members nodded in agreement.

In other meeting news, Alburtis Police Officer Cory Fluck called state police to help track down a hit-and-run drunk driver who hit Mayor Palmer's car and immediately left the scene. Working together they caught the driver.

Alburtis Police Chief Robert Palmer investigated an accident at Ore Alley after a truck drove up the alley, hit something, ripped wires down and left the scene. Palmer tracked down the driver, apprehended him at Quarry Road and cited him for hit and run.

The police car computers are working well, Chief Palmer reported, however, at some time in the future a system from Lehigh County called "Tracks" might need to be installed. The estimated cost for the installation of a printer and scanner in each car is $1,600, but a state grant is involved. With this system the police will be able to record a ticket issued and print it out immediately to give to the person ticketed.

At 7:15 p.m. an executive session was called to discuss an issue with Chief Palmer. The meeting reconvened at 7:35 p.m.

Council adopted Resolution No. 2015-4 approving the sale of the borough's 2000 Ford F-450 dump truck with an estimated fair market value of $9,000 by sealed public bids as it is no longer needed. Sharon Trexler, borough manager, was authorized to advertise the truck and equipment going with it and when the borough will be accepting bids.

Apartment owner Jim Kusko notified Trexler he is willing to give an easement for the cluster mailboxes but at no cost to him. He wants everything else free, at the borough's expense, including upkeep, maintenance and snow removal. Following a brief discussion about bucket mailboxes, Solicitor David Knerr suggested putting all requirements into an ordinance, including notices and fines and he will make a draft for council members to review.

In answer to Trexler's note about garbage around the Dumpster in the rear of 108 S. Main St., Michael Geiser wrote Trexler the Dumpster is being used by residents from town illegally and that is why it gets overfilled. Geiser agrees it is a problem but does not know what to do about it.

Council approved a request from Macungie Borough to use Alburtis Fire Police for the antique truck show June 19 and 20; Das Awkscht Fescht car show July 31, Aug. 1 and 2; and the Wheels of Time car show Aug. 28, 29 and 30.

Council authorized Trexler to apply for a Keep America Beautiful grant to purchase paint for the hockey court.

Council passed motions approving the minutes of the April 29 meeting as written and the bills of May 13 for payment.