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Fire tax fund issues discussed

According to Heidelberg Township's 2014 annual fiscal audit, the report cannot be completed until issues with the fire tax fund are resolved.

Audit Committee member Charles Perich explained to Township Administrator Janice Meyers and members of the board there wasn't enough documentation to specify how the funds are to be used, and the relevancy of the items purchased with the funds was questioned.

Perich told supervisors at their April 16 meeting he did not see how picture frames for awards and dress shirts are considered "critical for the safety and conduction of a fire emergency."

Outlined in the audit recap, "A specific list of items that would qualify for using the fire tax funds should be established for both the fire company, the township and the auditors."

In other matters, Chairman Steve Bachman reported drafts of the special event ordinance and amusement tax would be completed by next month.

Bachman also reported the Northwestern Recreation Commission signed a three-year contract with Celebration Fireworks, Slatington, for the Night in the Country fireworks display.

Resident Phyllis Breininger handed out donor applications for patrons to donate $1 to have their name printed in the bulletin and an opportunity to have their name put on a quilt for the Goodwill Fire Company's 100th anniversary celebration July 11.

Vice Chairman David Fink reported road crews have yet to complete the inspection of township roads to assess damage from winter's weather.

Roadmaster Kevin Huber said crews have been patching cracks and holes and cutting down dead trees leaning into roadways.

Huber said as Penn DOT disagreed with the proposed speed reduction on Hunter's Hill Road, the township has implemented components to draw more attention to speed limit signs and the discreet turn on Hunter's Hill at Central Road.

Huber said reflective delineator posts were installed at the intersection in an attempt to have drivers slow down.

Township Zoning Officer Chris Noll, of Keystone Consulting Engineers, said the township has had several complaints about an abundance of cars allegedly parking illegally along Mantz Road.

He suggested the board implement the same parking guidelines as outlined for Heidelberg Heights.

A draft of the parking ordinance intended for the township's parking issues is still being reviewed.

Noll also reported plans are complete for Werleys Corner Road culvert and the bid of $160,064 was awarded to Dirt Work Solutions, Slatington, to complete the project.

A $166,500 bid from Sikora Brothers Paving of Shickshinny was also reported for Jones Road culvert, but Bachman said the funds are not in the budget and would need to be postponed or require a loan.