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Emmaus Sentinels entertain in Topton and Blandon

The sound of patriotic music delighted residents and visitors at Topton's Lutheran Home and Blandon's Keystone Villa retirement communities during a performance by the Emmaus Sentinels Alumni Drum and Bugle Corps at the two facilities April 12.

For some of the musicians, the event was an opportunity to perform for family and friends who are guests at the facilities. For the corps, the concert was an opportunity to share a love of good music with an appreciative audience.

The corps is open to anyone with prior music and marching experience playing a horn or drum, or carrying a flag or rifle.

For more information contact Jeff Schantz at 703-507-4488.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Sunny skies and warm temperatures are the backdrop for an outdoor concert presented recently by the Emmaus Sentinels Alumni Drum and Bugle Corps at Keystone Villa in Blandon.