Alburtis resident Donald Bauman asked members of Alburtis Borough Council at the April 29 meeting if something could be done about a neighbor's rooster who crows very early daily.
"It starts between 4 and 4:30 a.m. It's way too early," Bauman said.
Borough Council President Steve Hill said there is currently no ordinance against having chickens in the borough. Police Chief Robert Palmer was asked to speak with the neighbor to help resolve this problem
Manager Sharon Trexler asked for a decision on the mailboxes on Main Street and at apartment buildings. No definitive decision was made so this was tabled until the next meeting.
Mayor Kathleen Palmer said something should be done about a problem with trash on the ground at a Dumpster behind the apartment building at 108 S. Main St. The apartment building wall at 108 S. Main St. is buckling and the landlord, who lives out of town, was given time to address this problem has done nothing.
Borough Engineer Barry Issett inspected the wall, issued a violation and notified the landlord by letter. Issett advised council there is no eminent danger but to keep an eye on it.
Nine summer shirts have been ordered for the police department and they will be ordered again in the fall reported Police Chief Palmer.
The Alburtis Police Department Bicycle Patrol began patroling the borough May 1.
The Lower Macungie Library is asking residents of Alburtis to complete the library's anonymous Strategic Planning Survey. By doing so, they earn a chance on a gift certificate to Alburtis Tavern. The survey can be found at the library or on the library's website.
In other business, a non-working street sweeper must be replaced. Macungie Borough Manager Chris L Boehm inquired about options of sharing the expense of having someone straight sweep. Trexler will check into the cost of purchasing a sweeper.
Council awarded the bid for curb cuts on Third Street to Drumheller Construction of Pottstown in the amount of $58,582.50, which was lower than expected.
Ott Consulting, Inc. issued a Certificate of Partial Completion for The Hills at Lock Ridge West and is requesting a release of funds. Council passed a motion to release funds in the amount of $787,966.70.
A motion was passed to post a "No Outlet" sign at Ash Alley and Walnut Street informing drivers there is no outlet.
A Municipal Police Cooperative Agreement for DUI checkpoints between Upper Macungie, Upper Saucon, Whitehall, Slatington, Fountain Hill, Catasauqua, Coplay Coopersburg, Macungie, Emmaus, South Whitehall, Salisbury, Lower Milford and Alburtis was tabled until the next council meeting.